Survey External Page

Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

Survey External Page


After configuring a survey in the Sagicc Surveys module, you can send your customers a link to access the external survey page and record their responses. This external page will have the appearance specified in the survey configuration (color, logo, etc.), and your customers will see all the configured questions on it. Once all questions have been answered, they will be recorded in Sagicc, and your customer will see the confirmation message for the survey.


The links to access the external survey page are generated automatically by Sagicc and have the following format: https://mybusiness.sagicc.co/api/v2/integracion-sagicc-externo/survey/getSurveyView?casoId=3YaOY58Gdx&encuestaId=VolejRejWs&resultadoId=xYRdGwrdZm.wrdZm.



Send link to external survey page from a ticket


To generate a new link to the external survey page and send it to a customer, access a ticket for that customer and click the Surveys button in the new interaction form (at the bottom of the ticket view). Clicking the button will display a list of surveys configured in the platform. Select the desired survey, and Sagicc will automatically generate a new link to access the external survey page.



Send the message to your customer as generated, without modifications. Your customer will be able to access the external survey page and record their responses. Depending on the survey configuration, this link may be used once or multiple times.


View survey results from a ticket


If a survey has been sent to the customer associated with a ticket, and you wish to review their responses, you can do so directly from the view of the corresponding ticket. In the top navigation bar of the ticket view, you will find the "Surveys" button. By clicking on this button, you will be able to view in full detail all the customer's responses to each question from the last answered survey.



Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 4) abr 01, 2024 21:55 Laura Ortiz
v. 3 dic 14, 2023 14:00 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 mar 21, 2023 23:04 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 08, 2023 19:53 Laura Ortiz


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