
Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024


The PBX module of Sagicc has been designed with the aim of allowing users with experience in IP telephony and related topics to easily configure key aspects for the telephone system of their Sagicc instance, such as trunks, dialing plans, and lists of incoming numbers. This module, through a user-friendly graphical interface, provides the tools to ensure smooth and efficient communication between the telephone system and Sagicc, contributing significantly to the overall optimization of system performance.


Keep in mind that only users with the ADMINISTRATOR role can access the PBX module and its functionalities.


Using the side menu, you can access the PBX module by selecting the corresponding option in the tools menu.




Sagicc will take you to a panel where you can find all the available tools to manage the telephone system of your instance:




Below, you will find detailed information about each of the tools available in the module:


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