Advanced Web Chat Templates

Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

Advanced Web Chat Templates

The Advanced ChatWeb Templates section will allow you to configure templates for ChatWeb with advanced elements such as buttons or multimedia content. This way, your agents will be able to respond to requests that your company receives through ChatWeb using more user-friendly templates. If you selected the Session Message option when configuring your ChatWeb template, you can use this tool.


There are several types of advanced templates:


  • Texto: Permite crear plantillas simples con un mensaje en formato texto.

    • Mensaje: Es el cuerpo o contenido de la plantilla. Este mensaje puede incluir variables de Sagicc, emojis, o caracteres especiales para dar formato al texto (_texto_ para cursiva, *texto* para negrita, ~texto~ para tachado and ```texto``` para monoespaciado.

  • Text: Allows you to create simple templates with a message in text format.

    • Message: It is the body or content of the template. This message can include Sagicc variables, emojis, or special characters to format the text (_text_ for italic, *text* for bold, ~text~ for strikethrough and ```text``` for monospace).



  • Multimedia: Allows you to create templates with multimedia content and a text in the form of a caption accompanying the multimedia content.

    • Multimedia Content Type: Specifies whether the multimedia element is an IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, or DOCUMENT.

    • Media File: Select or drag the multimedia file you wish to add to the template. Keep in mind that the format of the selected file must match the selected media type.

    • Multimedia File Caption: It is the text or caption that will accompany the multimedia content of the template.



  • Interactive: Allows you to create templates with interactive visual elements, such as quick response buttons. Additionally, it can include elements such as a header or footer, accompanying the message and interactive elements.

    • Interactive Message Type: Specifies whether the template will have interactive QUICK RESPONSE BUTTONS or an interactive LIST of options.

    • Header Type: Specifies the type of header for the template, whether it is TEXT, IMAGE, DOCUMENT, VIDEO, or NONE.

    • Header Text: If the selected header type is TEXT, specifies the content of the template header.

    • Header Media File: In case the selected header type is IMAGE, DOCUMENT, or VIDEO, select or drag the multimedia file you wish to add to the header. Keep in mind that the format of the selected file must match the selected header type.

    • Message: It is the body or content of the template. This message can include Sagicc variables, emojis, or special characters to format the text (_text_ for italic, *text* for bold, ~text~ for strikethrough and ```text``` for monospace).

    • Footer: Specifies the footer of the template.

    • Interactive Button Types: Select one of the two available types of interactive buttons: Quick Reply Buttons or Call to Action (CTA) Buttons. When you select the desired button type, one of the following sections will be displayed:

      • Quick Reply Buttons: Allows you to configure the template's quick reply interactive buttons. The template can contain a maximum of 3 quick reply buttons.

      • Call to Action (CTA) Buttons: Allows you to configure the template's call to action interactive buttons. Specify the text that the button will have and the URL of the website to which the user will be redirected. The template can contain a maximum of 3 call to action buttons.





Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 4) jul 09, 2024 17:43 Laura Ortiz
v. 3 jul 21, 2023 17:42 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 mar 06, 2023 15:43 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 06, 2023 15:04 Laura Ortiz


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