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  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

To add a channel, click on the "Add Channel" button from the Channels module.



Sagicc will take you to the configuration form for a new channel, where you will need to select the type of channel you want to add. Select one of the available channel types (Telephone, SMS, Email, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Website, Web Chat, Instagram, In-person or Telegram) and click on "Continue" to see the channel configuration form according to its type.



Enter the following required information:

  • Name

  • Direction: Specify whether the channel will be inbound or outbound.

  • Default Outbound Channel (only for incoming routing): This option allows you to specify the default outbound channel, of the same type, for sending outgoing interactions associated with the incoming channel.

  • Specific information according to the channel type:


Image RemovedImage Added


The following steps of the form depend exclusively on the selected channel type. Below is a description of the process for each of the channel types available in Sagicc.


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