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Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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To add a WhatsApp Template, click on the Add WhatsApp Template button in the top right corner of the WhatsApp Templates module. Sagicc will take you to the creation form.

Through this module, only template messages can be created for companies whose WhatsApp Business API provider is Sagicc and its partner provider. If your company has its own provider, the templates must be created directly with that provider.



On the left side of the screen, in the form, you will see the different configuration fields for the new WhatsApp Template. Enter all the requested information, and in the preview located to the right of the form, you can preview the look of the template and check how it would look on WhatsApp once approved and sent to customers.


The following are the different available configuration parameters for WhatsApp templates::


  • Name: This is the name or main identifier of the template. It should only contain lowercase letters, numbers, or underscores (for example, prueba_123).

  • WhatsApp Channel: This is the outgoing WhatsApp channel, previously configured with Sagicc, to which the new template created will be associated.

  • Category: This is the category that describes the purpose and content of the WhatsApp template. Meta and Facebook will only approve templates whose content matches one of the predefined categories: MARKETING, UTILITY, or AUTHENTICATION. You can find more information about the approved template categories in the following link:

  • Language: This is the language of the template message. Meta and Facebook will only approve templates whose message matches the selected language.

  • Button Type: There are two types of buttons for WhatsApp templates: quick replies (allow customers to easily respond to the message) or action buttons (call-to-action - allow the customer to perform an action). Depending on the type of button selected, you can configure the buttons for your template.

  • Header Type: The WhatsApp template can include a header in text or multimedia format (image or video).

  • Header Text: If Text is selected as the Header Type, you can specify the text here. The maximum length allowed is 60 characters.

  • Message: This is the text or content of your message template. You can format your message by adding special characters (_text_ for italic, *text* for bold, ~text~ for strikethrough and ```text``` for monospace), adding emojis, or dynamic variables ({{1}}). The maximum length allowed is 1024 characters.


Dynamic variables in the message must have the format {{1}}. A template can contain one or more variables, and these variables must be dynamically replaced at the time of message sending. For example, the message "Hello {{1}}, John from ABC Company greets you, {{2}}" from a message template must be sent as "Hello Jane, John from ABC Company greets you".


  • Footer: This is the closing message or phrase of the message. The maximum length allowed is 60 characters.

  • Buttons:

    • Quick Replies: You can configure up to 3 quick reply buttons in your WhatsApp template so that customers can easily reply to the message. The text length of the buttons must be less than or equal to 20 characters.

  • Action Buttons: You can configure up to 2 action buttons in your WhatsApp template so that customers can go to a web page or call a phone number. The text length of the buttons must be less than or equal to 20 characters.


For templates in the AUTHENTICATION category, the configuration parameters will be as follows:

  • Type: Select the type of authentication template you want to implement.

    • Copy Code: When selecting this option, WhatsApp will display a button that allows you to copy the authentication code to the clipboard.

    • One Tap: When selecting this option, WhatsApp will automatically capture the authentication code through an external application. The One Tap autofill button is currently only compatible with Android clients with specific technical features. On incompatible devices, WhatsApp will display a "Copy Code" button.

  • Include security warning: Check this option if you want WhatsApp to automatically add a predefined security message: "For your security, do not share it."

  • Include expiration time: Check this option if you want WhatsApp to automatically add a predefined message indicating the lifespan or expiration time of the authentication code: "This code expires in x minutes."

  • Minutes: If you check the "Include expiration time" option, specify the lifespan of the authentication code in minutes.

  • Text for "Copy Code" button: Specify the text that will be displayed on the "Copy Code" button.

  • Text for "One Tap" button: Specify the text that will be displayed on the "One Tap" button.

  • Android Package Name: Name of the Android application package that will automatically retrieve the WhatsApp authentication code (e.g., com.example.myapplication).

  • Signature Hash: Hash of the signing key for the Android application that will automatically retrieve the WhatsApp authentication code (e.g., K8A%2FAINcGX7).

Verify that the template information is correct and preview it.



Click on Save to save the template and submit it for review and approval by Meta and WhatsApp. If the process was completed successfully, you will be automatically taken to the WhatsApp Templates list, where you will see the newly created template in Pending status. The review and approval process usually takes a few hours (depending on the complexity of the template). You can come back later to check the status of the template.

Once submitted for approval, it is not possible to edit a message template.


If the WhatsApp template's status changes to Approved, you can create a Sagicc template by associating the approved WhatsApp template. If the template is Rejected, you can check the reason for rejection and create a new WhatsApp template with the necessary corrections for approval.


Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 2) jul 08, 2023 18:49 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 jul 08, 2023 18:49 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 11, 2023 17:51 Laura Ortiz

  • Sin etiquetas