Incoming Email
Sagicc can connect to your company's email account to capture all messages that your customers send to that email account. To set up a channel of this type, you must have access credentials (email and password) to the email account you want to connect to Sagicc. In addition, it is necessary for your email provider to enable IMAP services and provide you with the IMAP configuration of your account. With this information, Sagicc can capture all messages that arrive in the inbox of your email.
The information required for setting up an incoming email channel is as follows:
Email Provider: You can choose between Gmail/Google, Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft, or other providers. Depending on the selected provider, the required information may vary.
Incoming Server (IMAP): It usually has the form or similar.
Port: 993 is the most common value, but it may vary depending on the provider.
Encryption Type: You can choose between SSL, TSL or None.
Validate Certificates: Activate or deactivate this option depending on the provider.
Username: It is the email address that is being associated, for example, customer
Application Password (exclusive to Gmail/Google): It is a password generated in the administration panel of the Gmail/Google account, and will allow the secure connection between Sagicc and the email provider. Find more information on how to generate an application password at the following link:
Log in with Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft (exclusive to Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft): It will allow logging into the email account securely, request the necessary permissions to send and receive messages from Sagicc, and generate the connection between Sagicc and the provider.
Password (exclusive to other providers): It is the password of the email account being associated.
Folder: It is the folder of the email account from which messages will be read. By default, it is the INBOX folder.
Character Encoding: By default, it is UTF-8.
Force new ticket for each incoming email: Specify if you want Sagicc to generate a new ticket for each incoming email or if you want emails to be grouped in a single customer ticket.
Force grouping of emails by subject: Specify if you want emails with a common subject to be grouped in the same ticket or if you want Sagicc to generate a ticket for each email.
For example, if your email provider is Gmail, the IMAP configuration may look like the following:
Incoming mail server:
Port: 993
Encryption Type: SSL
Account name, username or email address:
Application Password: XFDW852ERW25FR2G
Default folder from which messages will be read: INBOX
Character Encoding: UTF-8
Once the channel is configured, Sagicc will begin capturing the information received by the configured email account.
Correo Electrónico Saliente
Sagicc can send messages to your customers from a specific email account. To set up this type of channel, you must have the credentials (email address and password) of the email account you want to connect with Sagicc. In addition, it is necessary for your email provider to enable SMTP services and provide you with the SMTP configuration of your account. With this information, Sagicc can send emails using your email account.
The information required to configure an outgoing email channel is as follows:
Email Provider: You can choose between Gmail/Google, Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft or Other provider. Depending on the selected provider, the required information may vary.
Outgoing Server (SMTP): Typically, it has the form or similar.
Port: 465 is the most common value, but it may vary depending on the provider.
Encryption Type: You can choose between SSL, TSL, or None.
Validate Certificates: Activate or deactivate this option depending on the provider.
Username: It is the email address that is being associated, for example,
Application Password (exclusive to Gmail/Google): It is a password generated in the administration panel of the Gmail/Google account, and it will allow the connection between Sagicc and the email provider securely. Find more information on how to generate an application password at the following link:
Sign in with Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft (exclusive to Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft): It will allow you to sign in to the email account securely, request the necessary permissions to send and receive messages from Sagicc, and generate the connection between Sagicc and the provider.
Password (exclusive to other providers): It is the password of the email account being associated.
Sender's Email Address
Sender's Name
For example, if your email provider is Zoho Mail, the SMTP configuration may look like the following:
Outgoing mail server:
Port: 465
Encryption Type: SSL
Account name, username, or email address:
Zoho Mail Password: mypassword123
Sender's email address for messages:
Sender's name for messages: Technical Support
Once the channel is configured, agents can respond to email messages sent to the configured account directly from Sagicc.
Versión | Fecha | Comentarios |
Versión actual (v. 4) | mar 21, 2023 23:17 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 8 | ene 09, 2025 19:45 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 7 | ene 09, 2025 19:31 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 6 | abr 01, 2024 21:28 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 5 | abr 01, 2024 21:26 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 4 | mar 21, 2023 23:17 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 3 | mar 21, 2023 23:05 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 2 | mar 01, 2023 19:01 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 1 | mar 01, 2023 14:57 | Laura Ortiz |