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Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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Sagicc will allow you to embed a customized chat widget or plugin (web chat) on your company's website, through which your customers can communicate with agents in real time. To set up this type of channel, it is necessary to have access to the CMS on which the website is operating, the server, or the source code of the same. Sagicc will generate a block of code (script) in JavaScript language that must be inserted into the website

Se recomienda que el script sea insertado por el administrador de la página de la empresa (webmaster) o una persona con conocimientos básicos en programación.


The information required for the configuration of a web chat channel is the following:


  • Configuration

    • Domain: This is the domain or URL of the website on which the chat widget will be added. For example, This URL must match exactly with the URL of your website, as Sagicc will only allow the chat to work on the specified URL.

    • Token: It is a security token or key automatically generated by Sagicc. It functions as the identifier of the channel and cannot be edited. This token is directly added to the script or code of the chat widget.

    • Link to Terms, Conditions of Use, and Privacy Policies of the Company: This is the URL to which your customers can access to read the terms and conditions of use and data processing of your company. This information is important for legal reasons, data protection, and information security. When starting a conversation in the chat, your customers will automatically accept the terms and conditions of use of your company.

    • Send Welcome Message when starting a new chat: Indicates whether Sagicc will send the customer an automatic welcome message when starting a new chat conversation.

    • Welcome Message: The message that will be automatically sent to the customer once a new chat conversation is initiated.

    • Widget Code: This is the block of code (script) in JavaScript language that must be inserted into the website. Please copy and paste the following code under the </body> tag in the HTML of the website where you want to have the chat widget.



  • Appearance

    • Chat Title: It is the title that will be displayed in the top bar of the chat widget.

    • Primary Color: It is the color of the main visual elements of the chat widget (buttons, icons, etc.).

    • Widget Position: It is the position of the chat widget within the web page. Depending on the design of the web page, the chat widget may be better located in one of the four (4) available positions.

    • Widget Icon (Visual Element): It is the icon or visual element that will be displayed on the web page when the chat is minimized. This can be a floating button, a box with custom text, or a custom image (specified in the Icon Image field).

    • Icon Image

    • Chat Corporate Image

    • Custom Styles: Add CSS code here to give custom and specific styles to the elements of the chat widget embedded on your company's web page.


  • Others

    • Require Customer Document Number when starting a chat session: Specifies whether the chat widget should request the customer's document number in the initial chat form. The captured document number will be automatically associated with the customer in Sagicc.

    • Require Customer Phone when starting a chat session: Specifies whether the chat widget should request the customer's phone number in the initial chat form. The captured phone number will be automatically associated with the customer in Sagicc.

    • Main Contact Data: Defines the contact data from the initial chat form that will be used as contact data to identify the customer who is communicating through the chat. By default, the main contact data is the email address.

    • Show previous conversation messages when starting a chat session: Specifies whether the chat should load previous conversations between the customer and the company when starting a new chat session.

    • Automatically close case when ending chat session: Specifies whether Sagicc should or should not automatically close the cases generated by the chat when the conversation is ended from the chat widget.

    • Enable rating and comments when ending chat session: Specifies whether the chat should show the rating and comments form when the conversation ends.

    • Enable widget sounds: Specifies whether to enable or disable the sound notifications emitted by the chat widget when a message is received.

    • Enable sending and receiving attachments from the widget: Specifies whether to enable or disable the sending and receiving of attached files in the chat widget.

    • Enable display of articles from the Knowledge Base in the widget: Indicates whether the chat widget will display a section with articles from the public knowledge base, for customer consultation.

    • Allow leaving messages in the chat outside of business hours: Specifies whether it is possible for customers to start a chat session and leave a message when outside of business hours (NOT AVAILABLE mode).

    • Force not available chat (a Not Available message will be displayed): Specifies whether the chat is in NOT AVAILABLE mode. Allows disabling the chat at any time, even within chat availability windows.

    • Enable customized business hours

    • Custom business hours

    • Send NOT AVAILABLE message outside business hours

    • NOT AVAILABLE message


  • Bot

    • Enable Bot: Indicates whether the chat channel has a bot or virtual assistant enabled to provide automated customer service.

    • Use Sagicc Bot: Specifies whether the bot enabled in the channel corresponds to a bot configured in Sagicc's BotBuilder module, or whether it corresponds to an external bot.

    • Bot Name: This is the name or identity that the bot enabled in the channel will have.

    • Bot for Channel: Select one of the bots configured in Sagicc's BotBuilder module here to enable it in the chat channel.



Once the channel is configured, the chat widget must be embedded on the company's website using the code script generated earlier. Once added, you will have a customized widget on your website that your customers and agents can start using to communicate.

Web Chat Widget


The chat widget is a graphical component that is embedded on the company's website so that customers can have real-time conversations with agents. The following are the main features of the chat widget that can be added to your company's website after configuring a Web Chat channel.


  • By inserting the chat widget code into the website's source code, the widget will automatically load and be positioned as specified in the channel configuration. In addition, it will have the colors, title, and fields specified in the channel configuration.



  • The chat can be maximized or minimized within the page for a better user experience. By clicking on the button shown below, the widget can be maximized.

  • Once maximized, the customer will see an initial form (or an active conversation if they have used the chat before) by default. This form requests basic customer information (name, last name, email, and initial message), as well as any additional fields specified in the channel configuration. All of this information is required as it will be stored in Sagicc and associated with the customer and the case.

  • The initial form also includes a link to your company's terms and conditions of use for customers to read. When starting a new chat, customers automatically accept the terms and conditions of use.

  • By clicking on Start Chat, the customer can begin chatting with an available agent.



  • When starting a new chat, the agent can respond to the customer directly from the case created in Sagicc. The message typed in the initial form will be the first message of the chat. The customer can continue sending messages, and can access other chat functionalities in the menu located in the top bar.

  • In the menu, the customer can:

    • Minimize the widget to continue browsing the website where the chat widget is embedded.

    • Enable or disable sound notifications when receiving a new message.

    • Attach files to send them through the chat.

    • Enable or disable the sending of the chat transcript when the conversation ends.

    • Start a video call (requires additional configuration and charges).

    • End the chat and close the conversation.


  • Upon ending the chat, depending on the channel configuration, the customer can rate the service and leave their comments. Information related to chat ratings and comments can be downloaded in the Ratings Report.



  • From the initial view of the widget, you will also have access to the Knowledge Base section, where you can browse and search for articles and relevant information in the company's knowledge base. In this section, only articles from the public visibility sections of the Knowledge Base in Sagicc will be visible.


  • Search for and select the article of interest and click on it to go to the reading view. If you want to see the article in Sagicc's public knowledge base, click on the button located in the upper right corner of the reading view.


Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 2) mar 01, 2023 16:57 Laura Ortiz
v. 4 mar 01, 2023 19:11 Laura Ortiz
v. 3 mar 01, 2023 19:10 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 mar 01, 2023 16:57 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 01, 2023 16:52 Laura Ortiz

  • Sin etiquetas