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  • Email Provider: You can choose between Gmail/Google, Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft, or other providers. Depending on the selected provider, the required information may vary.

  • Incoming Server (IMAP): It usually has the form or similar.

  • Port: 993 is the most common value, but it may vary depending on the provider.

  • Encryption Type: You can choose between SSL, TSL or None.

  • Validate Certificates: Activate or deactivate this option depending on the provider.

  • Username: It is the email address that is being associated, for example, customer

  • Application Password (exclusive to Gmail/Google): It is a password generated in the administration panel of the Gmail/Google account, and will allow the secure connection between Sagicc and the email provider. Find more information on how to generate an application password at the following link:

  • Log in with Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft (exclusive to Outlook/Office 365/Microsoft): It will allow logging into the email account securely, request the necessary permissions to send and receive messages from Sagicc, and generate the connection between Sagicc and the provider.

  • Password (exclusive to other providers): It is the password of the email account being associated.

  • Folder: It is the folder of the email account from which messages will be read. By default, it is the INBOX folder.

  • Character Encoding: By default, it is UTF-8.

  • Force new case ticket for each incoming email: Specify if you want Sagicc to generate a new case ticket for each incoming email or if you want emails to be grouped in a single customer caseticket.

  • Force grouping of emails by subject: Specify if you want emails with a common subject to be grouped in the same case ticket or if you want Sagicc to generate a case ticket for each email.

For example, if your email provider is Gmail, the IMAP configuration may look like the following:
