Chat Title: It is the title that will be displayed in the top bar of the chat widget.
Primary Color: It is the color of the main visual elements of the chat widget (buttons, icons, etc.).
Widget Position: It is the position of the chat widget within the web page. Depending on the design of the web page, the chat widget may be better located in one of the four (4) available positions.
Widget Icon (Visual Element): It is the icon or visual element that will be displayed on the web page when the chat is minimized. This can be a floating button, a box with custom text, or a custom image (specified in the Icon Image field).
Icon Image
Chat Corporate Image
Custom Styles: Add CSS code here to give custom and specific styles to the elements of the chat widget embedded on your company's web page.
Require Customer Document Number when starting a chat session: Specifies whether the chat widget should request the customer's document number in the initial chat form. The captured document number will be automatically associated with the customer in Sagicc.
Require Customer Phone when starting a chat session: Specifies whether the chat widget should request the customer's phone number in the initial chat form. The captured phone number will be automatically associated with the customer in Sagicc.
Main Contact Data: Defines the contact data from the initial chat form that will be used as contact data to identify the customer who is communicating through the chat. By default, the main contact data is the email address.
Show previous conversation messages when starting a chat session: Specifies whether the chat should load previous conversations between the customer and the company when starting a new chat session.
Automatically close case when ending chat session: Specifies whether Sagicc should or should not automatically close the cases generated by the chat when the conversation is ended from the chat widget.
Enable rating and comments when ending chat session: Specifies whether the chat should show the rating and comments form when the conversation ends.
Enable widget sounds: Specifies whether to enable or disable the sound notifications emitted by the chat widget when a message is received.
Enable sending and receiving attachments from the widget: Specifies whether to enable or disable the sending and receiving of attached files in the chat widget.
Enable display of articles from the Knowledge Base in the widget: Indicates whether the chat widget will display a section with articles from the public knowledge base, for customer consultation.
Allow leaving messages in the chat outside of business hours: Specifies whether it is possible for customers to start a chat session and leave a message when outside of business hours (NOT AVAILABLE mode).
Force not available chat (a Not Available message will be displayed): Specifies whether the chat is in NOT AVAILABLE mode. Allows disabling the chat at any time, even within chat availability windows.
Enable customized business hours
Custom business hours
Send NOT AVAILABLE message outside business hours