Below, the different types of default reports available in the platform are described:
Tickets, Interactions, and Tasks
The following are the reports that detail information related to interactions received in the platform through different channels, the tickets that group these interactions, and their respective actions by the agents.
Interaction Time Report | This report contains the details of the times of interactions and key moments for a ticket, such as the customer's first interaction, the agent's last interaction, opening, closing, etc. | Ticket Number: Ticket number. Campaign: Name of the campaign related to the ticket. Ticket Description: Description of the ticket. Ticket Type: Type of ticket. Ticket Status: Status of the ticket. Origin Channel Type: Type of channel through which the ticket originated. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the ticket. First Name: First name of the customer related to the ticket. Middle Name: Middle name of the customer related to the ticket. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer related to the ticket. Email: Contact email of the customer related to the ticket. Assigned User: Name of the user assigned to the ticket. First Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the interaction that generates the ticket in the platform. Last Bot Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction generated by the bot (if applicable). Ticket Opening Date/Time: Date and time of the ticket opening by an agent. First Agent Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the first interaction generated by an agent. Last Customer Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction generated by the customer. Last Agent Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction generated by an agent. Last Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction of the ticket. Last Action Date/Time: Date and time of the last action taken on the ticket. Ticket Closing Date/Time: Date and time of the ticket closing. SLA Compliance: Indicates whether the service level agreement (SLA) time specified in the campaign configuration related to the ticket was met. First Interaction Time: Time elapsed between the creation of the ticket and the first interaction from the company. Operational Time: Time elapsed between the opening and closing of the ticket by an agent.
Incoming and Outgoing Interactions Report (Calls and Messages) | This report contains the details of all incoming and outgoing interactions (calls and messages) recorded in the platform. | Campaign: Name of the campaign related to the interaction's ticket. Ticket Number: Ticket number of the ticket related to the interaction. Ticket Description: Description of the ticket related to the interaction. Ticket Type: Type of ticket related to the interaction. Ticket Status: Status of the ticket related to the interaction. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. First Name: First name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Middle Name: Middle Name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Channel: Name of the channel through which the interaction was generated. Direction: Direction (incoming or outgoing) of the interaction. Subject: Subject of the interaction (applies only to email channel interactions). Content: Content of the interaction. In the ticket of multimedia elements (image, audio, etc.), a generic label will be displayed. Contact Info: Contact info/data from which the interaction was received (for incoming interactions) or to which the interaction was sent (for outgoing interactions). User: Name of the user assigned to the ticket related to the interaction. User Identifier: Username of the user assigned to the ticket related to the interaction. Creation Date: Creation date of the interaction. SLA Compliance: Result indicating if the SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were met for the ticket. Interaction Status: Specifies the status of the interaction, whether incoming or outgoing. This can be: DELIVERED, READ, SENT, FAILED, RECEIVED.
Tasks Report | This report contains detailed information about all the tasks created for the tickets in the platform. It includes information related to the ticket, the customer, and specific information about the task (including fields from the task form). | Ticket Number: Number of the managed ticket. Campaign: Name of the campaign to which the managed ticket belongs. Ticket Description: Description of the managed ticket. Ticket Type: Type of ticket for the managed ticket. Ticket Status: Status of the managed ticket. Ticket Creation Date: Creation date of the managed ticket. Origin Channel Type: Type of origin channel for the managed ticket. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the managed ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Name: Middle name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Middle Name: Middle Name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Account Number: Account number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Email: Contact email of the customer related to the managed ticket. Observations: Observations of the task created for the ticket. Task Creation Date: Date when the task for the ticket was created. Task Creation User: Agent/user who created the task for the ticket. Recordings: Links to recordings of calls related to the managed ticket (if applicable). SLA Compliance: Result indicating if the SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were met for the ticket. Additional Columns: For each field in the task form of the campaign associated with the ticket, an additional column will be generated displaying the selected/entered value for that field in the action.
Last Task and Fields Report | This report contains detailed information about the last task created for each ticket in the platform. It includes information related to the ticket, the customer, and specific information about the action taken (including fields from the action form). | Ticket Number: Number of the managed ticket. Campaign: Name of the campaign to which the managed ticket belongs. Ticket Description: Description of the managed ticket. Ticket Type: Type of ticket for the managed ticket. Ticket Status: Status of the managed ticket. Ticket Creation Date: Creation date of the managed ticket. Origin Channel Type: Type of origin channel for the managed ticket. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the managed ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Name: Middle name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Middle Name: Middle Name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Account Number: Account number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Email: Contact email of the customer related to the managed ticket. Observations: Observations of the task created for the ticket. Task Creation Date: Date when the task for the ticket was created. Task Creation User: Agent/user who created the task for the ticket. Recordings: Links to recordings of calls related to the managed ticket (if applicable). SLA Compliance: Result indicating if the SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were met for the ticket. Additional Columns: For each field in the task form of the campaign associated with the ticket, an additional column will be generated displaying the selected/entered value for that field in the action.
Call Times Report | This report contains detailed information about the phone calls registered in the platform, including metrics and times specific to telephony channels. | Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the call. Campaign: Name of the campaign related to the call. Call ID: Unique identifier of the call. Phone: Source phone number of the call. Call Start: Date/time when the call entered. Initial Queue Position: Initial position of the call in the campaign's Available queue. Queue Exit: Date/time when the call exited the queue and was transferred to an agent. Call End: Date/time when the call ended. Total Call Duration: Total duration (in minutes) of the call, from entering to ending. Includes queue time and conversation time. Queue Duration: Duration (in minutes) of the call in the campaign's Available queue. Conversation Duration: Duration (in minutes) of the conversation between the customer and the agent. Abandoned: Information about call abandonment (if it occurs). Attempts: Total number of call attempts made by the customer. Agent: Name of the agent handling the call.
Agents and Statutes
The following are the reports with relevant information for supervisors, such as ticket performance and campaign productivity.
Agent Statuses Report | This report contains a summary of total times and average times for agents in each of the statuses in the platform: STAND BY, AVAILABLE, PAUSE, etc. | Agent ID: ID of the agent. Identifier: Username of the agent. Agent Name: Name of the agent. Average Stand By Time: Average time of the agent in the Stand By status. Average Available Time: Average time of the agent in the Available status. Average Busy Time: Average time of the agent in the Busy status. Average Pause Time: Average time of the agent in the Pause status. Total Stand By Time: Total time of the agent in the Stand By status. Total Available Time: Total time of the agent in the Available status. Total Busy Time: Total time of the agent in the Busy status. Total Pause Time: Total time of the agent in the Pause status.
Agent Statuses Report by Campaign | This report provides a summary of total times and average times for agents in each of the statuses of the platform (STAND BY, AVAILABLE, PAUSE, etc.), for each of their assigned campaigns. | Agent ID: ID of the agent. Identifier: Username of the agent. Agent Name: Name of the agent. Campaign: Name of the campaign. Average Stand By Time: Average time of the agent in the Stand By status for the specific campaign. Average Available Time: Average time of the agent in the Available status for the specific campaign. Average Busy Time: Average time of the agent in the Busy status for the specific campaign. Average Pause Time: Average time of the agent in the Pause status for the specific campaign. Total Stand By Time: Total time of the agent in the Stand By status for the specific campaign. Total Available Time: Total time of the agent in the Available status for the specific campaign. Total Busy Time: Total time of the agent in the Busy status for the specific campaign. Total Pause Time: Total time of the agent in the Pause status for the specific campaign.
Campaign Productivity Report | This report provides detailed information about tickets generated in a campaign from a loaded customer base that needs to be managed. It indicates whether there has been good productivity in the ticket management process. | Campaign: Campaign to which the ticket belongs. Load Date: Date when the customer base was loaded for management in the campaign. No. of Tickets: Total number of tickets in the loaded customer base. No. of Managed Tickets: Number of tickets from the loaded customer base with at least one task created. No. of Unmanaged Tickets: Number of tickets from the loaded customer base without a task. Total Tasks: Total number of tasks created for the tickets of the loaded customer base (a ticket may have multiple actions). No. of Attempts: Number of contact attempts with the customer (outgoing calls).
Agents' Logins and Logouts Report | This report provides detailed information about agents' logins (session start, platform login) and logouts (session end, platform disconnection). | Date Identifier: Agent's username. Name: Agent's name. Login Time: Date/time of login. Logout Time: Date/time of logout.
Agents' Status Changes Report | This report provides detailed information about all the statuses in which agents have been and the duration of each status. In Ticket the agent was in BUSY status, it shows the ticket number and the campaign name. | Identifier: Agent's username. Agent: Agent's name. Status: Status name. Corresponds to one of the statuses in the platform (DISCONNECTED, WAITING, PAUSED, etc). Campaign: Campaign to which the ticket in management belongs (if applicable). Ticket: Ticket number in management. Duration: Total time of the agent in the status. Duration (s): Total time (in seconds) of the agent in the status. Start: Date/time when the agent entered the status. End: Date/time when the agent exited the status.
Agent Productivity Summary Report | This report provides detailed information about tickets generated in a campaign from a loaded customer base that needs to be managed, broken down by agent. It indicates the productivity of each agent in managing their assigned tickets. | Campaign: Campaign to which the ticket belongs. Load Date: Date when the customer base was loaded for management in the campaign. Identifier: Agent's username. Agent: Agent's name. No. of Tickets: Total number of tickets assigned to the agent in the loaded customer base. No. of Managed Tickets: Number of tickets managed by the agent from the loaded customer base. No. of Unmanaged Tickets: Number of tickets not managed by the agent from the loaded customer base. Total Actions: Total number of actions performed by the agent on the tickets of the loaded customer base (a ticket may have multiple actions). No. of Attempts: Number of contact attempts with the customer (outgoing calls) by the agent.
Channels and Campaigns
The following are the reports with information related to the channels configured in the platform, and the campaigns created to attend to customers through these channels.
| | |
Users by Channels Report | This report contains a summary of the registered users in the platform, and the channels assigned to each user for customer service. | Identifier: User's username. User: User's name. Status: User's status (enabled or disabled). Roles: User's roles within the platform (administrator, supervisor, agent). Channel Types: Names of the channel types assigned to the user. Amount of Channel Types: Number of channel types assigned to the user.
Ticket Origin Report | This report contains a summary of the number of tickets created or generated from each of the channels configured in the platform. | |
General Campaign Report | This report contains a summary of the overall status of the campaigns, relating their start and end dates, and the number of tickets in each status within the campaign. | Id: Campaign identifier. Campaign: Campaign name. Enabled: Indicates if the campaign is enabled or not. Creation Date: Campaign creation date. Start Date: Campaign start date (according to its configuration). Actual Start Date: Actual start date of the campaign, i.e., the date when the tickets of the campaign start being managed. End Date: Campaign end date (according to its configuration). Actual End Date: Actual end date of the campaign, i.e., the date when the last ticket task is performed for the campaign. New Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in New status. Open Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Open status. Transferred Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Transferred status. Escalated Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Escalated status. Closed Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Closed status. Total Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign.
| This report contains the details of the interactions generated through the Web Form channels. It contains ticket information and the details of all the fields in the form entered by the customer. | Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the web form interaction. Campaign: Campaign name related to the ticket. Channel: Name of the Web Form channel through which the interaction was generated. Creation Date: Creation date of the web form interaction. Task Date: Ticket task date. Task User: User name who managed the ticket and created the task. Task User Identifier: Username of the user who managed the ticket and created the task. Additional Columns: For each field in the web form, an additional column will be generated showing the selected/entered value for that field in the form.
SLA by Ticket Report | This report contains the details of the SLAs rules for the ticket and the result of whether the times for the SLA rule were met or not. | Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the SLA rule. Assigned: Agent's username assigned to the ticket. Metric: Name of the evaluated metric. High Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a High priority ticket to be breached. Medium Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a Medium priority ticket to be breached. Low Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a Low priority ticket to be breached. SLA Compliance: Result of whether the SLA was met or not. Date: Date/time of the SLA evaluation.
Report of Operation Indicators | This report contains specific indicators and metrics of the customer service campaigns operation of the company, including data of answered calls, abandoned calls, TMO, SLA, among others. | Week Date Day: Day of the week. Queue: Name of the queue or campaign. Inbound: Number of calls that entered on the specific date. Success First Contact Answered: Number of calls that were answered or responded on the first attempt of contact, on the specific date. % Success First Contact Answered: Percentage of calls that were answered or responded on the first attempt of contact, on the specific date. Total Answered: Number of calls that were answered or responded on the specific date. % Answered: Percentage of calls that were answered or responded on the specific date. Success More than One Contact: % Success More than One Contact: Calls that required more than one contact: % Calls that required more than one contact: Average Contact Required Total Abandoned % Abandoned on First Contact Managed Calls Call Recovery % Successful Call Recovery Final Abandoned % Final Abandoned Final Success Answered Calls: % Final Success Answered Calls: Answering Speed of the Call - ASA: Calls on Hold < 20 Seconds: % Service Level of all Queues: Average TMO: Number of Actions:
Customer Service Rating Report | This report contains the details of the ratings that customers give to the service provided by the company on web chat channels. | Campaign: Name of the campaign to which the ticket related to the rating belongs. Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the rating. Ticket Description: Description of the ticket related to the rating. Ticket Type: Type of ticket related to the rating. Ticket Status: Status of the ticket related to the rating. Document Type: Customer's document type related to the rating. Document Number: Customer's document number related to the rating. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the rating. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the rating. First Name: First name of the customer related to the rating. Middle Name: Middle name of the customer related to the rating. Account Number: Account number of the customer related to the rating. Rating: Customer's rating of the service (scale of 1 to 5). Comments: Notes or comments left by the customer about the service. Rating Date: Date on which the customer made the rating.
Bulk Messaging Report | This report contains a summary of the messages sent through the bulk messaging module, specifying information such as the campaign, the customer to whom the message was sent, the delivery status, and the date of execution/delivery. | Campaign: Name of the campaign from which the bulk message was sent. Bulk Message Name: Name or identifier of the bulk message. Bulk Message Creation Date: Date the bulk message was created. Bulk Message Channel: Channel used by the bulk message to send the message. Bulk Message Status: Status of the bulk message (DRAFT, EXECUTION, FINISHED, etc.). Ticket Number: Number of the ticket from which the bulk message was sent. Customer: Name of the customer to whom the bulk message was sent. Account Number: Customer's account number to whom the bulk message was sent. Status: Delivery status of the bulk message (SENT, FAILED). Execution Date: Date of execution or delivery of the bulk message.
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