Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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Please note that, by default, only users with ADMINISTRATOR role can access the Campaign Configuration.


To access the configuration of an existing campaign, select the campaign in the Campaigns module and click on “Edit”. You will be taken to a view where you can see the basic configuration of the campaign, along with several sections to configure channels, agents, supervisors, accounts, script, advanced configuration, or additional tabs. In each of the sections, you can configure the following:

  • Channels: Assign one or more channels (previously configured in Sagicc), incoming or outgoing, to the campaign so that the interactions and tickets created from these channels are grouped in the same campaign.

  • Agents: After assigning the channels, assign the users with agent role who can handle and attend each of the channels from the campaign.

  • Supervisors: Assign one or more supervisor users for the campaign. They can perform monitoring, supervision, and reporting tasks on the agent users who will work on the campaign.

  • Accounts: Perform bulk loading of the customers or accounts that will be contacted/attended/managed from the campaign (especially useful for outbound campaigns).

  • Script: Define a script that helps agents in the process of attending to customers.

  • Advanced Configuration: Assign values to various advanced configuration parameters for the campaign.

  • Tabs: Add one or more additional tabs to the tickets that are within the campaign. These tabs can contain useful information for attention or can be viewed for integration with other software or platforms.




Access the Channels section and assign one or more channels (previously configured in Sagicc), incoming or outgoing, to the campaign so that the interactions and tickets created from these channels are grouped in the same campaign. Click on “Assign Channel” and you will see the list of available channels to assign. Select the required channels to add them to the list, or use the Remove button to remove a specific channel from the list.

Verify the selected information and click on “Save” to modify the campaign configuration.




Access the “Agents” section and assign users with the agent role who will be able to manage and attend to each of the channels from the campaign. In the section, click on the “Assign Agent” button to select the agents who will be associated with the campaign. Then, in the table, check and/or uncheck the enabled channels for each of the agents. Verify the selected information and click on “Save” to modify the campaign's configuration.



Access the “Supervisors” section and assign one or more users with supervisor role to the campaign, who will be responsible for the supervision tasks of the campaign (monitoring agents' status, generating reports for the campaign, etc.). Click on “Assign Supervisor” and you will see the list of available supervisors to assign. Select the required users to add them to the list, or use the “Remove” button to remove a specific user from the list.

Verify the selected information and click on “Save” to modify the campaign configuration.




Access the "Accounts" section to perform the bulk import of accounts and customers that will be contacted and/or managed from the campaign. This functionality is especially useful for campaigns requiring outbound management. To import the accounts, you need to organize them in an Excel file and ensure that all the information required for the import is present in the file.

In this section, you will also be able to view the list of accounts that have been previously imported and associated with the campaign. The list will include basic information about the account, the customer to whom it belongs, the creation date on the platform, and options available to Disable or Delete one or more specific accounts.



Click on the "Download Template" button if you wish to import the accounts using a Sagicc template. Your browser will automatically download a copy of the template in Excel format, which you can fill in with the information for your accounts or clients.

To import an account file, select the "Import Accounts" option by clicking the corresponding button. A dialog box will then open, allowing you to choose the desired Excel file and import the account information.


How to import accounts correctly?

  • Required Data: Verify that all required fields in the template contain data. The required data are CUSTOMER TYPE, DOCUMENT TYPE, DOCUMENT NUMBER, FIRST SURNAME, FIRST NAME.

  • Contact Data: Make sure that all accounts have at least one contact data, either phone number, email or social media accounts.

  • Phone Numbers: For phone and cell phone numbers, we recommend specifying the country code and area code so that Sagicc processes the numbers correctly. For example: +573105822141 (where 57 is the country code and the rest is the cell phone number), or 5753790123 (where 57 is the country code, 5 is the area code, and the rest is the phone number).

  • Customer Tags: If you need to add predefined tags to customers, use the Tags column and add all necessary tags, separated by a comma (for example, 'TAG1, TAG2'). Make sure that the tags match existing tags in the Customer Tags module.

  • Additional Data: If you need to import additional data for accounts, you can add additional columns to the end of the base template. The data in these columns will be stored as additional data for each of the accounts/customers.


Once the file is selected, Sagicc will validate and process it. If any errors are found in the file or any data is missing, Sagicc will show you the errors found. If the file is valid and processed correctly, you will see the following options to perform the massive account load:


  • Template Type: Select Create using Sagicc template if the file you uploaded corresponds to an account template in Sagicc format. Select Create using a custom template if the file you uploaded has another format and you need to map columns between the file columns and the customer information in Sagicc.

  • Column Mapping: When selecting "Create using a custom template" in Template Type, Sagicc will display on the left each of the data fields required by Sagicc, and on the right, you will see the columns contained in the uploaded file to select their equivalent Sagicc data. For example, if the account file has the ID column, you can map it to the Sagicc Document Number field. Or if the account file has the Birthday column, you can map it to the Sagicc Birthdate field.



  • Create Tickets: Select this option if you want Sagicc to generate a ticket for each of the records in the account file. This functionality is useful for outbound campaigns.

  • Ticket Priority: Select the priority of the tickets to create. By default, tickets created from the file will have Low priority, but you can modify this priority at the time of the load. High priority tickets will be the first ones that agents will see in the Pending Tickets list.

  • Close Open Tickets: Select this option if you want Sagicc to close the current tickets of the campaign to only work on the tickets being created from the file.

  • Save Assigned User: Select this option if you are entering information in the "Assigned User" column of the account file and want to save the assigned user for each customer/account in the file. This way, the tickets created in the account load will be assigned to the specified users, and also, Sagicc will use this account assignment for future tickets of the customer.

  • Overwrite Data: When importing an account template, Sagicc will detect duplicate records, meaning records that already exist in Sagicc at the time of the upload. Select this option if you want Sagicc to replace the information of the duplicate records with the information from the file. If you do not activate this option, the duplicate records will not be modified.

  • Delete Other Customer Accounts: Select this option if you need Sagicc to delete all other accounts that the customer has and keep only the accounts being imported from the file. This option allows you to maintain the integrity and cleanliness of your customer database by removing accounts that no longer exist or are invalid, and keeping only the accounts from the file being uploaded.



Click on “Import” to finish the process. Once finished, the dialog box will close, you will see the imported accounts in the list, and the tickets will have been created in the campaign.


Redistribute Tickets


Additionally, in this tab you will find an option to redistribute the campaign tickets among users with agent roles assigned to it. This action should be performed when a loaded account file is modified and reloaded onto the platform, when you make changes or movements between users assigned to the campaign, or simply when you want to redistribute tickets.


To perform ticket redistribution, you can select from the following options:


  • Redistribute tickets by status: You can redistribute only pending tickets (all except closed tickets), only new tickets, or only open tickets.

  • Redistribute among agents: You can redistribute randomly among all agents assigned to the campaign (the Sagicc distribution algorithm will be applied), or you can select one or more agents to distribute among them, and you can redistribute randomly among all agents who are not disconnected from the platform.



The Sagicc distribution algorithm is responsible for maintaining an equitable and effective distribution of tickets that enter the campaign, aiming to maximize productivity and the quality of service offered. To achieve this, several criteria are considered, such as the agents assigned to the campaign, the contact channel that generates the ticket, the agent's status at the time of distribution (only users in AVAILABLE or IN PROGRESS status are considered, excluding those in STANDBY or PAUSE status), the time elapsed since their last status change, and the previous workload in terms of assigned tickets in the last hours. In situations where multiple users meet the criteria for assignment, a random selection is made to ensure impartiality in the assignment process.

Verify the selected information and click on “Redistribute”.


Synchronize Fields


Finally, the “Sync Fields” option will allow you to take all the additional fields or information from the accounts loaded in the campaign and synchronize them with the platform so that these fields are available in the Segmentation or Mass Messaging processes of Sagicc. This way, you can use additional fields to apply filters on the campaign accounts and perform specific actions on a segment or subset of customers/accounts.




Access the “Script” section to configure the script that campaign agents must follow to manage tickets and that will help them in the customer service process. To write the script, use the editor that will allow you to give styles to the text for better reading and understanding. In addition, you can add variables to the script so that Sagicc automatically adds information related to the ticket, the customer, the agent or the account.


Verify the entered information and click on “Save” to modify the campaign settings.




Access the “Configuration” section to assign values to the following advanced configuration parameters for the campaign:


Additional Parameters

  • Main Management Field: It is the field of the campaign management form that will define the final result of the management or attention. It is used in the platform's dashboards and reports.

  • Call Distribution Algorithm: It is the algorithm used to distribute incoming calls to the campaign among the different agents assigned to it. Each algorithm has a specific behavior and should be selected according to the characteristics of the campaign and the volume of calls. The available algorithms are:

    • Random: This call distribution algorithm randomly selects an agent to handle the new incoming call, meaning there is no predictable pattern in agent selection, which can evenly distribute the workload among all available agents.

    • First in Queue: This call distribution algorithm assigns the new incoming call to the agent who has been available in the agent queue for the longest time.

    • Last in Queue: This call distribution algorithm assigns the new incoming call to the agent who has become available most recently, meaning they have spent the least amount of time in the agent queue.

    • Round Robin: This call distribution algorithm sequentially assigns new incoming calls to each available agent in the agent queue, ensuring that all agents have the opportunity to handle calls fairly and evenly distributing the workload among them.

    • Lowest Occupation: This call distribution algorithm assigns the new incoming call to the agent who has received the fewest number of calls since their last entry into the queue. This optimizes resource usage and minimizes call waiting time by assigning calls to the most available agent.


Agents Performance

  • Service Level Time (seconds): Refers to the maximum allowed time for an agent to handle a ticket before it is considered a violation of the service level agreement.

  • Service Level Target (percentage): Refers to the percentage of tickets expected to be handled within the established service level time.

  • Average Operating Time (seconds): Represents the average amount of time an agent spends on operational or ticket management activities during a specific period.

  • Number of Tasks per Agent: Indicates the number of tickets an agent is expected to handle within a certain period of time.


Ticket Assignment Options

  • With weight

  • Allow automatic assignment of tickets: By enabling this option, cases generated in the campaign will be automatically assigned according to Sagicc's internal distribution algorithm. In situations where automatic distribution is not possible, cases will remain unassigned and will be available for a user to manually take them.

The Sagicc distribution algorithm is responsible for maintaining an equitable and effective distribution of tickets that enter the campaign, aiming to maximize productivity and the quality of service offered. To achieve this, several criteria are considered, such as the agents assigned to the campaign, the contact channel that generates the ticket, the agent's status at the time of distribution (only users in AVAILABLE or IN PROGRESS status are considered, excluding those in STANDBY or PAUSE status), the time elapsed since their last status change, and the previous workload in terms of assigned tickets in the last hours. In situations where multiple users meet the criteria for assignment, a random selection is made to ensure impartiality in the assignment process.

  • Assignment using queue

  • Allow assignment to another user if the assigned user is not available: In ticket the customer has a specified assigned user and this user is not available when the customer interacts with the company, Sagicc will assign the ticket to the first available user within the campaign.

  • Allow incoming call to users in management status


Ticket Options

  • Ticket Combinations: Enables or disables the option of ticket combination in the campaign.

  • Transcript Sending: Enables or disables the option of sending the transcript of the conversation of the tickets within the campaign.

  • Transfers between Users: Enables or disables the option of transferring tickets between users of the campaign.

  • Transfers between Campaigns: Enables or disables the option of transferring the campaign tickets to other campaigns.

  • Auto-complete Tasks: Enables or disables the option of auto-completing the task form of the campaign tickets with the most recent ticket task data.

  • View All Tickets: Enables or disables the option that allows agents to view all tickets in the campaign, regardless of the assigned user or the origin channel of the tickets.

  • Interact with other contact tickets: Enables or disables the option that allows sending interactions to contact data of other customers in the campaign tickets.

  • Interactions only from assigned channels: Enable or disable the option that allows agents to only send interactions from the channels they have assigned within the campaign configuration.

  • Close tickets without management: Enables or disables the option to allow closing platform tickets if they do not have at least one management.

  • Close tickets without customer information: Enables or disables the option to allow closing tickets on the platform if they have incomplete customer information.

  • Transfer Notification Email: Enable or disable this option if you wish for users to receive or not receive an email notification when a ticket is transferred to them.

  • Allow information about other campaigns: Enable or disable this option to allow agents to view or not view information about tickets and interactions of a customers that are in other campaigns.


External Ticket View Options

In this section, you will have complete control over the information that clients can view when they receive a link to the external view of a specific ticket. You can personalize the experience by selecting from the following list the sections of the ticket view that you want to be visible to end users:

  • Customer Details

  • Contact Information

  • Ticket Details

  • Conversation

  • Tasks History

  • Attachments



Verify the selected information and click on “Save” to modify the campaign settings.

Custom Tabs


Access the “Tabs” section to add one or more additional tabs to the view of the campaign tickets. Click on “Add” and enter the following information for the new tab:


  • Name: This is the title of the tab within the ticket view.

  • URL: This is the web address or URL that contains the content to be displayed on the tab. This URL must have HTTPS protocol enabled to display its content within Sagicc.

  • Icon: This is the icon that will be displayed next to the tab title within the ticket view. You can select any of the icons from the following library:

  • Height (pixels): This is the height or size in pixels that the tab will have within the ticket view.

  • Enabled: Shows/hides the tab within the ticket view.


Verify the selected information and click on “Save” to modify the campaign settings. The new tab will be visible in all campaign tickets, displaying the content of the specified URL.


Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 18) may 31, 2024 14:05 Laura Ortiz
v. 28 ene 29, 2025 20:49 Laura Ortiz
v. 27 ene 29, 2025 20:49 Laura Ortiz
v. 26 dic 10, 2024 15:39 Laura Ortiz
v. 25 dic 09, 2024 16:52 Laura Ortiz
v. 24 nov 25, 2024 16:45 Laura Ortiz
v. 23 nov 25, 2024 16:44 Laura Ortiz
v. 22 oct 10, 2024 14:55 Laura Ortiz
v. 21 oct 08, 2024 20:52 Laura Ortiz
v. 20 jul 25, 2024 16:32 Laura Ortiz
v. 19 jul 09, 2024 15:26 Laura Ortiz
v. 18 may 31, 2024 14:05 Laura Ortiz
v. 17 may 30, 2024 21:47 Laura Ortiz
v. 16 may 30, 2024 21:45 Laura Ortiz
v. 15 abr 01, 2024 20:53 Laura Ortiz
v. 14 feb 07, 2024 17:03 Laura Ortiz
v. 13 ene 18, 2024 16:18 Laura Ortiz
v. 12 ago 28, 2023 15:10 Laura Ortiz
v. 11 ago 08, 2023 20:36 Laura Ortiz
v. 10 ago 08, 2023 20:36 Laura Ortiz
v. 9 ago 08, 2023 20:35 Laura Ortiz
v. 8 ago 08, 2023 20:27 Laura Ortiz
v. 7 jul 08, 2023 18:24 Laura Ortiz
v. 6 jun 17, 2023 15:49 Laura Ortiz
v. 5 may 13, 2023 17:53 Laura Ortiz
v. 4 abr 24, 2023 20:17 Laura Ortiz
v. 3 mar 21, 2023 23:18 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 mar 02, 2023 18:41 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 02, 2023 17:52 Laura Ortiz

  • Sin etiquetas