Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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A Workspace provides you with the capability to organize your team's resources to offer more efficient customer service without compromising your business' information security and processes. In your Sagicc instance, you can set up a Workspace for a specific purpose, designate the users who will be part of it, and control access to tickets, customers, campaigns, and other sensitive information.

Workspaces can be tailored to meet the needs and requirements of different use cases, with different channels, templates, dynamic forms, business rules, and more. This allows various operational modes of your business to coexist seamlessly within a single Sagicc instance, maintaining operational integrity and exclusivity.

Sagicc administrators can add multiple Workspaces. Some benefits of using multiple Workspaces include:

  • Isolation and protection of sensitive data: Sagicc Workspaces keep your tickets, customers, and campaigns isolated and secure, preventing any risk of data loss or leakage. This helps your business comply with privacy and data security regulations and preserve customer trust through responsible information management.

  • Enhanced collaboration across different processes: With Sagicc, teams can work and collaborate better with each other, sharing ideas and working together on important projects effectively.

  • Tools tailored to the business' needs: Each Workspace is fully customizable, from forms to conversation flows, allowing you to adjust every detail according to your business' specific requirements.

  • Improved user experience: Sagicc simplifies searching and task execution for employees, resulting in increased satisfaction and productivity at work.

Important: In Sagicc, information associated with a Workspace can only belong to that Workspace, not to more than one. Additionally, two Workspaces cannot share information with each other. Furthermore, information associated with a Workspace cannot be moved or transferred to another Workspace. To generate information in a specific Workspace, you must configure channels, campaigns, etc., within that Workspace to generate the associated information.

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Default Workspace

Your business' Sagicc instance comes with a default Workspace called "Default," which serves as the main space on the platform. You can choose to use only this Workspace or create additional ones according to your operation's needs and requirements. This initial Workspace has the following special characteristics that distinguish it from others:

  • In a new Sagicc instance or an instance containing only the default Workspace (Default), all generated information, regardless of the module used (tickets, customers, campaigns, etc.), will be automatically associated with that Workspace. This setting will change as new Workspaces are created and users begin to work in them.

  • The default Workspace (Default) cannot be disabled or deleted by any platform user. It can only be edited to add or remove users assigned to it.

  • If the instance only contains the default Workspace (Default), users will automatically log in to work in that Workspace upon logging into the platform. If new Workspaces are created, users can choose whether they want to enter another Workspace or the Default Workspace.

Important: Only users with administrator roles can add Workspaces to the platform and access the configuration of existing Workspaces. Also, remember that it is possible to add as many Workspaces as required in your instance.

Through the sidebar menu, you can access the Workspace module (under the parametrization section).


Sagicc will take you to a list where you can navigate through all existing Workspaces on the platform, including the default Workspace (Default). For each space in the list, you can view basic information such as the name, status, and creation date. By clicking on the "Add Workspace" button (in the upper right corner), you can view a form to add a new space to the platform.


By clicking on "Edit" (in the Options column), you can access the configuration of a specific Workspace and modify it. Also from Options, you can Disable or Delete a Workspace. Remember that these last options are NOT available for the Default Workspace.

Important: When a specific Workspace is disabled, all data associated with it continues to exist on the platform and can be retrieved if the space is reactivated in the future. On the other hand, deleting a Workspace implies the permanent loss of the data associated with it, meaning that the information cannot be recovered or accessed later. Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider the implications before deleting a space to avoid the loss of critical data.

Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 1) mar 01, 2024 19:32 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 mar 01, 2024 21:27 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 01, 2024 19:32 Laura Ortiz
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