Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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To add a survey, click on the Add Survey button from the Surveys module.


Sagicc will take you to the survey creation form, where you will need to enter the following required information:


  • Name: Name of the survey.

  • Description: Description or objective of the survey.

  • Confirmation Message: Message that will be displayed to the customer on the external survey page, confirming that the survey has been successfully submitted.

  • Available for: Specifies whether you want the survey to be available for all campaigns or for a specific campaign.

  • Main Color: Main color of the graphical elements on the external survey page.

  • Show Company Logo: Specifies whether or not to display the company logo (configured in the company profile) on the external survey page.

  • Logo Height (px): Specifies the size or height (in pixels) of the company logo displayed on the external survey page.

  • Response Type: Specifies the behavior of the survey when capturing information from a specific customer. There are three (3) types of response:

    • Allow only one response: The survey will accept only one response per customer or link sent. If the customer attempts to submit another response, it will not be possible.

    • Allow multiple responses: The survey will accept multiple responses from the customer or link sent. All responses will be stored and tabulated in the survey dashboard.

    • Allow multiple responses and replace the last one: The survey will accept multiple responses from the customer or link sent, but will only store the last response.

  • Set Expiration: Specifies whether the survey has an expiration time or not.

  • Expires Using: If the survey does have a defined expiration, it indicates the criterion for defining that expiration. The survey can expire using:

    • Survey creation date

    • Date the link was sent to the customer

  • Expires in (days): Indicates the lifespan of the survey before expiration.



After entering the information in the form, you can start adding questions to the survey. Clicking on Add Question will display an additional form for entering the following information for a new question:


  • Nombre: Es el nombre o título de la pregunta. Por ejemplo, Cómo te pareció la atención que recibiste el día de hoy?.

  • Tipo de Pregunta: Es el tipo de pregunta que se mostrará en el formulario en la vista externa de la encuesta. Define el aspecto visual y las reglas de validación de la pregunta dentro del formulario. Por ejemplo, Campo para seleccionar fechas, Casillas para seleccionar una opción. (Encuentra en la próxima sección la descripción detallada de cada uno de los tipos de pregunta disponibles).

  • Name: It is the name or title of the question. For example, How was the service you received today?

  • Question Type: It is the type of question that will be displayed on the form in the external view of the survey. It defines the visual appearance and validation rules of the question within the form. For example, a field to select dates, boxes to select an option. (Find a detailed description of each of the available question types in the next section).


After adding all the necessary questions to the survey, verify that the information is correct and that the questions are in the correct order. You can rearrange them by dragging and dropping each question into the correct position. Additionally, you can remove a specific question by clicking on Delete.


Verify the information entered for both the survey and the questions and click Save to add the new survey. If the process was performed correctly, Sagicc will take you back to the Surveys module, where you can see the newly added survey in the list.


From this point on, you can send your customers a link to the external survey page to answer the questions and register their information. These links can be sent from a customer ticket, through a business rule, or through a bulk messaging process.


Types of Question


The following are the different types of questions available for surveys in Sagicc:

Tipo de Pregunta


Vista Previa

Short Text Field

Field that allows entering short texts, such as names or addresses.



Long Text Field

Field that allows entering long texts, such as comments, notes, or free questions.



Date Selection Field

Field that allows selecting a date through a date picker.



Time Selection Field

Field that allows selecting a time through a time picker.



Password Field

Field that allows entering a password and hiding its content.



Email Field

Field that allows entering email addresses. Includes validations for email addresses.



Number Field

Field that allows entering numerical values.



ile Selection Field

Field that allows selecting and uploading attached files.



Checkboxes for selecting multiple options

Field that allows selecting multiple options or answers among several checkbox options.



Radio button for selecting one option

Field that allows selecting one option or answer among several radio button options.



Dropdown List for selecting one option

List that allows selecting one option.



Dropdown List for selecting multiple options

List that allows selecting multiple options or answers.



Linked List for selecting options

Linked list with multiple sub-levels that allows selecting an option or answer.



Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 1) mar 08, 2023 19:40 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 08, 2023 19:40 Laura Ortiz

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