Access a Ticket
To access a specific ticket for management or to view its information, you can do so from the list of pending tickets (accessed from the top options bar), or from the Tickets module (accessed from the side menu). Select the ticket you wish to see and click on Go to Ticket or on the ticket number to access its management view. In this view, you'll see all the information and tools necessary for providing a complete and satisfactory customer experience.
Al ingresar a la vista de gestión del caso, tu estado dentro de la plataforma cambiará automáticamente a Busy, indicando que el agente se encuentra en un proceso de atención y gestión de un caso. Este estado no podrá ser cambiado de forma manual hasta salir o cerrar el caso.
Screen Components
The ticket management screen consists of two (2) main sections:
Sección 1
In section 1, located at the top of the screen, is the most relevant information about the ticket and will always be visible to users. The information displayed is as follows:
Ticket number
Ticket status
Ticket creation date and time
Assigned user to the ticket
Customer's identification type and identification number***
Customer's first and last name***
Customer's account number***
Refresh or update ticket information button
Options menu
Quick exit ticket button
***By clicking on the customer data at the top, you will be taken to the Customer Profile associated with the ticket.
In the options menu, you can access different actions that can be performed on the ticket to improve the management process. The following are the options available from the options menu:
Ticket Options
The following options are available from the options menu:
Reassign: When clicking on this option, a form will be shown that will allow you to reassign a ticket to another user within the same campaign or in a different campaign. You can also specify if you want to leave the ticket unassigned so that any available user can manually take the ticket, or if you want to reassign it to a specific user. Enter the information requested in the form and click on Accept. Sagicc will redirect you to the Tickets module so you can continue working on another ticket. The reassigned ticket will automatically be assigned to the specified user, who will see the notification of the new ticket in the top bar and in the list of pending tickets.
Merge: When clicking on this option, a form will be shown that will allow you to merge the current ticket with another ticket in the platform. By merging two tickets, their information, their management, their conversations, and customer information (including contact information) will be merged. Enter the ticket number you wish to merge with, select Merge customers if you also want to merge customer information, select the customer you wish to keep active after the merge, and click on Accept.
After merging the tickets, one of them will be in a Closed status and the other will remain in its current state. The merge operation cannot be undone once completed.
Related Tickets: Clicking on this option will display a list of tickets related to the current ticket and a text field that will allow you to relate the current ticket to another ticket on the platform. By relating one ticket to another, you will be able to see this relationship in the list of related tickets and be able to move faster between them to retrieve the information you need. Type the number of the ticket you want to relate to and click Accept to save the relationship.
Send Transcript: Clicking on this option will display a form that will allow you to select one of the customer's contact information (email) to send them a complete and detailed transcript of the conversation between the company and the customer. Select the contact information and click Accept. The ticket transcript will be automatically sent to the customer.
Open External View: Sagicc provides you with a public read-only view of the ticket so that external people to your company or customers can view ticket information at any time. Clicking on this option will open the external view of the ticket in a new browser tab. Copy the URL or address of this external view to share with whoever you wish.
Close Ticket: Clicking on this option, Sagicc will ask you to confirm the closing of the ticket, i.e., its change of status to Closed. This action should only be performed when the ticket has been fully managed, as once closed, the ticket cannot be reopened. Click Accept to confirm. Sagicc will redirect you to the Tickets module to continue working and the ticket will change to the Closed state.
Change Log (for administrators only): Clicking on this option will allow you to view a list of all changes and/or modifications made to the ticket or its management. For each change in the list, you will see the type of modification, the previous value, the current value, the date of the change, and the platform user who made the change.
Exit: Clicking on this option will redirect you to the Tickets module so that you can continue working on another ticket and your status within the platform will change from BUSY to AVAILABLE. The status of the ticket you were working on will not change.
Section 2
In section 2, located at the bottom of the screen, there is a panel consisting of two (2) or three (3) columns, depending on the user's configuration. This panel will allow you to access different tabs of information related to the customer, ticket, interactions, and management. A horizontal navigation menu will allow you to access each of the following tabs:
Customer: Detail of the customer associated with the ticket
Contact: Customer contact information associated with the ticket
Account: Customer account associated with the ticket
Ticket: Ticket detail
Conversation: Conversation (incoming and outgoing interactions)
Script: Script of the campaign to which the ticket belongs
Agenda: Schedule of scheduled management activities for the agent associated with the ticket
History: Ticket management history
Attachments: Files attached to the ticket
Additional Tabs: Additional tabs configured in the campaign associated with the ticket.
Customer Details
In the Customer tab (section 2), you will see a form with the basic information of the customer associated with the ticket:
Document Type
Document Number
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Second Last Name
Date of Birth
Verify the information. If you want to edit it, make the necessary changes and click Save.
Additionally, in this tab, you can access the Similar Customer search, the Related Customer module, or view/modify the information of the User Assigned to the Customer.
Similar Customers
In case you suspect that the customer associated with the ticket may be duplicated, click on Similar Customers. Sagicc will search for customers who have similar information to the current ticket's customer. If similar customers are found, you can validate the similarity percentage and decide if you want to change the customer associated with the ticket for one that has more accurate information, or combine the customers to group all the information into one customer.
Related Customers
You will find a list of customers related to the customer associated with the ticket, you can add, edit or remove the relationship if necessary.
Assigned User
In case the customer has a specified assigned user, you can modify the assigned user by clicking on the Change Assigned User button. Select the new assigned user for the customer, and specify whether you want the assignment to apply to all campaigns or to a specific campaign. Validate the information and click Save to make the change of assigned user.
Contact Information
In the "Contact Information" tab (section 2), you will see a list of the contact information (emails, phone numbers, addresses, social media, etc.) for the customer associated with the ticket. These contact information are captured when the customer interacts with the company through one of the available communication channels, but they can also be manually managed. From the list, you can add a new contact information and edit or delete a specific contact information.
In the "Account" tab (section 2), you will see information related to the customer's account (associated with the ticket) and all its additional information. The account corresponds to any product or service that your company is offering to your customer and can have additional related information that will help in the ticket management process. From this tab, you can add a new account associated with the customer (to associate it with the ticket later) or edit the information of the current account.
Ticket Details
In the "Ticket" tab (section 2), you will see a form with specific information related to the ticket:
Ticket Type: Ticket classification (question, complaint, suggestion, claim, etc.).
Description: A brief description of the ticket for informational purposes.
Campaign: Campaign to which the ticket belongs.
Priority: Ticket priority within the campaign (high, medium, low).
Account: Customer's account associated with the ticket. It identifies that the attention refers to a specific customer account. The information of the account selected in this field will be visible in the "Account" tab.
Verify the information on the form. If you want to edit the information, make the necessary changes and click on Save.
In the "Conversation" tab (section 2), you will see a timeline with all incoming and outgoing interactions (calls, messages, etc.) of the conversation between your company and the customer. For each interaction in the conversation, you will see relevant information such as: sender, channel through which the interaction was generated, date and time, and content. The messages are shown in chronological order for a better user experience.
By default, Sagicc will show the interactions associated with the ticket being viewed. If you need to know if the customer has previously contacted your company, click on the "View previous interactions" button. If the customer has other associated tickets in the platform, you will see these interactions in the conversation, with a note indicating the ticket to which it is related.
To view the details of a specific interaction, click on the "View more" button. A window will open showing all the detailed information of the interaction.
Inside the "Conversation" tab, you will see a floating box that will allow you to generate new outgoing interactions to your customer, either in the form of a call or message. Through this simple form, you can communicate with your customers through any of the available outgoing channels in Sagicc.
To generate a new interaction, select and type the following information in the form:
Outgoing Channel: It is the outgoing channel by which you want to communicate with the customer. Only the outgoing channels enabled for the campaign to which the ticket belongs will be shown.
Contact Information: It's the customer's (or a third party's) contact information through which communication will be made. Once the output channel is selected, only compatible contact information will be displayed for the selected channel (e.g., for an "Email" type channel, only email type contact information will be displayed, for a "Telephony" type channel, only phone and mobile type contact information will be displayed).
If the campaign configuration allows it, you can click on "Search for other contact information" to send interactions to contact information from other customers or third parties from a specific ticket.
Message Template (optional): It's the message template you want to use to send the message. These templates are previously configured by the platform administrator in the Template Module (see), and they will speed up the message sending process. By selecting a template, it will be loaded into the Message field of the form.
Survey (optional): Select one of the surveys previously configured in the Sagicc Survey Module (see) and send your customer a link so they can access the survey and complete it.
Record Audio/Voice (optional): Send your customers audio/voice notes by recording them from Sagicc using your microphone and sending them through one of the available communication channels. To record the voice note, you need to give your browser permission to access the microphone. Once permission is granted, Sagicc will start recording, you can listen to the recorded note and you can save it to attach it to the interaction and send it.
Message: It's the body or content of the interaction you want to send to the customer. You can write it or upload it through a Message Template.
Attachments (optional): If necessary and if the communication channel allows it, you can drag and attach attachment files that will be sent to the customer.
Depending on the selected output channel, the form will display additional fields to add to the outgoing interaction. For example, if the selected output channel is of type "Email", the form will display the Subject, Body, Cc, Bcc, etc. fields... Once the form is completed, click on the Send or Call button to send the message or make the call. If the interaction is generated successfully, you can view it in the conversation.
As you start writing a message or making changes to the conversation form, this information will be saved automatically in your browser. If you leave the ticket view by closing the window, the browser, or moving to another page, you can recover the entered information up to that point. These changes will only be deleted when you send the interaction or when you click the Clear button.
Campaign Script
In the Script tab (section 2), users can view the previously configured campaign script by the platform administrator.
In the Agenda tab (section 2), you can view the calendar of scheduled next actions for the user assigned to the ticket. With this agenda, users can validate their availability before scheduling the next action for a customer and avoid time conflicts.
In the Tasks tab (section 3), you will see the campaign task form that the ticket belongs to. This form was previously configured by the platform administrator within your company, and its fields depend on the type of campaign and its objective. By filling out this form and clicking on Save, the agent can add a task to the Ticket Tasks History.
By default, all tasks forms contain the fields Observations, Next Task Date, and Next Task Time. It is recommended that every task of a ticket includes an observation or comment.
If a ticket needs to be managed later (e.g., the customer requests to be called later or to receive information via email for review), a next action date and time can be saved for the ticket. Sagicc will take care of adding the task to the agent's agenda and reminding them when the next action date approaches. Additionally, in the list of Pending Tickets, priority will be given to tickets with scheduled next actions.
As soon as changes are made to the action form, this information will be automatically saved in your browser. If you leave the ticket view, either by closing the window, the browser, or moving to another page, you can retrieve the entered information to that point. These changes will only be erased by saving the action or clicking the Clear button.
In the History tab (section 3), you will see a list of all tasks that Sagicc users have performed on the ticket. An task corresponds to filling out the task form of the campaign that the ticket belongs to and saving the form information. By clicking on View More option for each of the tasks, a window will open showing all information captured by the user in the action form.
In the Attachments tab (section 3), you will see a list of the files attached to the ticket. These files correspond to those sent by the customer through one of the available communication channels, those sent by the users directly from Sagicc, or those manually uploaded and associated with the ticket. From the list, you can Add a new attachment, Remove a specific attachment, or Download a specific file to your computer.
On the Notes tab (section 3), you will see a list of notes associated with the ticket. These notes are a space where agents, or any user handling the ticket, can store relevant information about the customer or the management process without the need for a complete record. This information will be privately available in the ticket and the functionality allows you to customize the color of the note icon to any of your preference.
From the list, you can Add a new note, View or Delete a specific note.
Notes are a tool designed to improve user productivity. Notes associated with a ticket will only be available for consultation within the ticket view. They will not be visible or included in dashboards, reports, or external ticket view.
Additional Tabs
In the event that your company's Sagicc instance has integrations with other systems or platforms (CRM, ERP, custom software, databases, webservices, etc.), additional tabs can be included in the ticket management screen to show forms for information capture or additional data for query or modification by users.
Versión | Fecha | Comentarios |
Versión actual (v. 5) | feb 25, 2023 19:16 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 26 | ene 29, 2025 20:10 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 25 | dic 10, 2024 15:31 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 24 | dic 09, 2024 16:40 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 23 | nov 25, 2024 19:44 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 22 | sept 19, 2024 19:48 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 21 | sept 19, 2024 19:34 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 20 | sept 04, 2024 15:00 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 19 | ago 14, 2024 21:28 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 18 | jun 19, 2024 21:39 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 17 | jun 18, 2024 15:02 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 16 | may 31, 2024 14:03 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 15 | may 06, 2024 16:36 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 14 | may 06, 2024 16:30 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 13 | abr 01, 2024 20:25 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 12 | nov 03, 2023 20:02 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 11 | oct 25, 2023 22:00 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 10 | ago 05, 2023 18:25 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 9 | mar 10, 2023 14:28 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 8 | feb 27, 2023 15:26 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 7 | feb 25, 2023 20:23 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 6 | feb 25, 2023 19:21 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 5 | feb 25, 2023 19:16 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 4 | feb 08, 2023 22:19 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 3 | feb 08, 2023 20:08 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 2 | feb 08, 2023 18:29 | Laura Ortiz |
v. 1 | feb 08, 2023 17:44 | Laura Ortiz |