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Please note that only users with an administrator “Administrator” role can add message templates to the platform, and it is possible to add as many message templates as required. |
Through Sagicc allows adding templates through the side menu you can , selecting the “Tools” option, and then clicking on “Templates” to access the Templates module.
Sagicc will take you to a listing where you can navigate through all the templates configured on the platform. For each template on the list, you can see basic information such as name, channel type, status, and creation date. By clicking on the “Add Template” button (in the upper right corner), you can view a form to add a new template to the platform.
Access the form that will allow you to add a new template.
Access the form that will allow you to view the details of an existing template and edit it.
Enable or disable an existing template.
Delete an existing template.
Duplicate an existen template.
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