Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


To add a form, click on the Add Form button from “Add Form” button located at the top right of the Dynamic Forms module.



Sagicc will take you to the dynamic form creation form, where you will need to enter the following required information:


  • Name: The name of the form.

  • Description: The description or objective of the form.

  • Additional Configuration:

    • Require Observations: Specify whether the form should mark the Observations field as required when saving a task.

    • Require Next Task: Specify whether the form should mark the Next Task field as required when saving a task.


By default, all dynamic task forms will include the Notes (text) and Next Task (date and time selector) fields when viewed in the ticket view. 

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After entering the information into the form information, you can start adding dynamic fields to it. Clicking By clicking on Add Field will display the “Add Field” button, an additional form will appear to enter configure the following information for a new field:


  • Label: This is It's the label that the agent users will see associated with the field. For example, "Appointment Date of Enrollment".

  • Description: This is It's the description of the field. For example, "Date of customer enrollment with the company" Customer’s appointment date.

  • Field Type: This is It's the type of field that will be displayed on in the form. It defines the visual appearance, content, and validation rules of the field. For example, " Field for selecting dates". ( Find a in the next section the detailed description of each of the available field types in the next section)and their configuration.

  • Default Value: This is It's the value that the field will contain by default when displaying the form is viewed. If it is not edited at the time of the task, this value will be saved as part of the task information.

  • Required Field: Indicates whether the field should be marked as required or /mandatory within the form. Agents Users will not be able to save a task management without entering the required fields of the form.

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After adding all the necessary fields for the dynamic form, verify that the information is correct and that they are in the correct order. You can reorder fields by dragging and dropping each one into the correct position. Additionally, you can remove a specific field by clicking Deleteon the “Delete” button.

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Verify the information entered for both the form and fields, and click Save on the “Save” button to add the new dynamic form. If the process was completed successfully, Sagicc will take you back to the Dynamic Forms module, where you can see the newly added form in the list.


Field Type



Short Text Field

Field that allows entering short texts, such as names or addresses.

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Long Text Field

Field that allows entering long texts, such as comments or notes.

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Date Selection Field

Field that allows selecting a date through a date picker.

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Time Selection Field

Field that allows selecting a time through a time picker.

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Password Field

Field that allows entering a password and hiding its content.

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Email Field

Field that allows entering email addresses. Includes validations for email addresses.

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Number Field

Field that allows entering numerical values.

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File Selection Field

Field that allows selecting and uploading attached files.

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Checkboxes Radio button for selecting multiple optionsone option

Field that allows selecting multiple options one option among several checkbox radio button options.

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Checkboxes for selecting one optionmultiple options

Field that allows selecting one option multiple options among several radiobutton checkbox options.

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Dropdown List for selecting one option

List that allows selecting one option.

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Dropdown List for selecting multiple options

List that allows selecting multiple options.

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Linked List for selecting options

Linked list with multiple sub-levels that allows selecting an option.

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List for selecting options (ENDPOINT or REST API)

List that allows selecting one or multiple options. The options to select will be loadedReusa by consuming a REST API previously configured on an external server.

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Reusable List

List that allows using a previously configured reusable field in the Reusable Lists module.


List for selecting one or multiple options


When adding a field of typeList “List to select an optionoption” or type List “List to select multiple optionsoptions”, a section will be displayed in the form to add each of the options that the field will have.

  • Select "Options" if you want to manually enter the options that the list will contain. Or select "Reusable List" if you want to use a previously configured list (via the Reusable Lists module) to populate the field.

  • Click on the Add Option “Add Option” icon (más) to add a new option to the field.

  • Click on the Remove Option “Remove Option” icon ⛔ to remove one of the options from the field.

  • Enable the Add “Add Other option” checkbox so that the field automatically displays the “Other” option, allowing users to enter an alternative option.

  • The options of the field will be displayed in the default order entered, but you can select Sort Alphabetically “Sort Alphabetically” to display them in that order.


  • Check the "Required" option if you require this to be a mandatory or required field within the form.




Linked List for selecting options


When adding a field of type "Linked List to select options, Select Options" a section will be displayed in the form to add each of the options that the field will have. In a linked list, each of the options option can have sub-levels of options, and these, in turn, can have sub-levels. Linked lists can have This structure enables the creation of multiple levels and sub-levels of options within the linked list.

  • Select "Options" if you want to manually enter the options that the list will contain. Or select "Reusable List" if you want to use a previously configured list (via the Reusable Lists module) to populate the field.

  • Click on the "Add Option" icon (más) to add a new option to the field.

  • Click on the "Add Sublevel" icon (estrella azul) to add a new sub-level of options.

  • Click on the "Remove Sublevel" icon (estrella azul) to remove a specific sub-level of an option.

  • Click on the "Remove Option" icon ⛔ to remove one of the options from any of the levels of the field.

  • The options of the field will be displayed in the default order entered, but you can select "Sort Alphabetically" to display them in that order.




  • .

  • Check the "Required" option if you require this to be a mandatory or required field within the form.

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List to select options (ENDPOINT or REST API)

When adding a field of type “List to select options (ENDPOINT or REST API)”, the following fields necessary to specify the configuration of the field will be displayed in the form:

  • Method: Select the HTTP method to be used to consume the REST API.

  • URL/Endpoint: Specify the address to access the method of the REST API from which the options for the list will be queried.

  • Headers (Request Headers): Here you should write, in JSON format, the headers that need to be added to the request to consume the webservice (if required). For example, { "Authentication": "Bearer aej3fsh2fg4ds"}.

  • Body (Request Body): Write here, in JSON format, the body that the request must contain to obtain the options for the list (if required). For example, {"country":"Colombia"}.

  • Authentication: Check this box and specify the username and password required to authenticate the request to the REST API (if required).

  • Values: Here you must specify the structure that will be used to extract from the response of the REST API the values associated with each of the options of the list. These values are the ones that will be stored in the management when using the form to manage a ticket. The structure must follow the JSONPath format. You can use tools like JSONPath Online Evaluator to define this structure accurately.

  • Labels: Here you must specify the structure that will be used to extract from the response of the REST API the labels associated with each of the options of the list. The labels are the texts that will be displayed in the field for users to select, while the values correspond to what will be stored in the management. In some tickets, you can use the same information for both labels and values. For example, if you want to display a list of cities in the field and store the names, the label and the value could both be "Bogotá". However, if you need to store a code associated with a service, the label could be "Technical Professional Services" while the value could be "443452". The label will be what users see, while the value will be what is saved when generating a management.

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Assign Form to a Campaign


Once a dynamic form has been is configured, you can associate it with one or more campaigns so that users with the agent role can manage the tasks tickets using the new form. Go to the Campaigns module, search for the campaign to which you want to assign the form, and click on the "Edit" button.


In the Campaign section “Campaign” tab, look for the new form in the Forms “Forms” field. Select it and click on the "Save" button. From that moment on, all the tickets of in the campaign will have be assigned the dynamic management form assigned for task management.



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