Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


  • Creation Date: You can filter and search for tickets whose creation date falls within a specified date range.

  • Upcoming Task Date: You can filter and search for tickets that have a next task scheduled for a specific date.

  • Status: You can filter and search for tickets by specific statuses (new, transferred, closed, etc.).

  • Priorities: You can filter and search for tickets with critital, high, medium, or low priority.

  • Customers: You can filter and search for tickets for one or more specific customers.

  • Users: You can filter and search for tickets assigned among All users, tickets assigned to specific users, or Unassigned tickets.

  • Campaigns: By default, the list displays the tickets of the campaign you are working on, but it is possible to search for tickets in more than one campaign.

  • Ticket Types: You can filter and search for tickets by specific ticket types (question, suggestion, etc.).

  • Channel Types: You can filter and search for tickets whose source channel type is one of the specified types (WhatsApp, Email, Telephony, etc.).

  • Features: You can filter and search for tickets of customers who have one or more specific features associated.

  • Organize: You can modify the order in which tickets are displayed according to the following criteria:

    • Oldest to newest tickets by creation date

    • Newest to oldest tickets by creation date

    • Oldest unread interaction to newest unread interaction

    • Newest unread interaction to oldest unread interaction

    • Upcoming task furthest from the closest

    • Upcoming task closest to the furthest
