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  • El formato se ha cambiado.


Users by Channels Report

This report contains a summary of the registered users in the platform, and the channels assigned to each user for customer service.

  • Identifier: User's username.

  • User: User's name.

  • Status: User's status (enabled or disabled).

  • Roles: User's roles within the platform (administrator, supervisor, agent).

  • Channel Types: Names of the channel types assigned to the user.

  • Amount of Channel Types: Number of channel types assigned to the user.

Ticket Origin Report

This report contains a summary of the number of tickets created or generated from each of the channels configured in the platform.

  • Id: Channel identifier.

  • Channel: Channel name.

  • Amount: Number of tickets generated from the channel.

General Campaign Report

This report contains a summary of the overall status of the campaigns, relating their start and end dates, and the number of tickets in each status within the campaign.

  • Id: Campaign identifier.

  • Campaign: Campaign name.

  • Enabled: Indicates if the campaign is enabled or not.

  • Creation Date: Campaign creation date.

  • Start Date: Campaign start date (according to its configuration).

  • Actual Start Date: Actual start date of the campaign, i.e., the date when the tickets of the campaign start being managed.

  • End Date: Campaign end date (according to its configuration).

  • Actual End Date: Actual end date of the campaign, i.e., the date when the last ticket task is performed for the campaign.

  • New Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in New status.

  • Open Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Open status.

  • Transferred Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Transferred status.

  • Escalated Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Escalated status.

  • Closed Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign that are in Closed status.

  • Total Tickets: Total number of tickets in the campaign.

General Web Form Report

This report contains the details of the interactions generated through the Web Form channels. It contains ticket information and the details of all the fields in the form entered by the customer.

  • Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the web form interaction.

  • Campaign: Campaign name related to the ticket.

  • Channel: Name of the Web Form channel through which the interaction was generated.

  • Creation Date: Creation date of the web form interaction.

  • Task Date: Ticket task date.

  • Task User: User name who managed the ticket and created the task.

  • Task User Identifier: Username of the user who managed the ticket and created the task.

  • Additional Columns: For each field in the web form, an additional column will be generated showing the selected/entered value for that field in the form.

SLA by Ticket Report

This report contains the details of the SLAs rules for the ticket and the result of whether the times for the SLA rule were met or not.

  • Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the SLA rule.

  • Assigned: Agent's username assigned to the ticket.

  • Metric: Name of the evaluated metric.

  • Critital Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a Critical priority ticket to be breached.

  • High Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a High priority ticket to be breached.

  • Medium Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a Medium priority ticket to be breached.

  • Low Priority Time (min): Time (in minutes) for a Low priority ticket to be breached.

  • SLA Compliance: Result of whether the SLA was met or not.

  • Date: Date/time of the SLA evaluation.
