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El módulo de Casos es uno de los más importantes dentro de la plataforma, ya que contiene toda la información relacionada con las interacciones entre tu empresa y tus clientes, a través de todos los canales de atención. Cuando un cliente se contacta con tu empresa, Sagicc genera un caso en donde se agrupan todas las interacciones, se puede consultar toda la información del cliente, se puede tipificar y gestionar la atención prestada por el agente, y se pueden realizar múltiples acciones.

A través del menú lateral, puedes acceder al módulo de Casos.

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Sagicc te llevará a un listado en donde podrás navegar por todos los casos existentes en la plataforma. Para cada caso del listado, podrás ver información básica como el número de caso, el estado, la fecha de creación, e información básica del cliente. Adicionalmente, verás el ícono del canal por el cuál ingresó la interacción más reciente del cliente. Para ir a la vista de gestión de un caso específico, haz clic en el botón Ir al caso.

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Para encontrar información de casos específicos, puedes realizar búsquedas, aplicar filtros o reordenar el listado según tus necesidades. Haciendo clic en Filtrar, podrás seleccionar filtros avanzados para realizar mejores búsquedas. Los filtros disponibles son los siguientes:

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  • Fecha de Creación: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos cuya fecha de creación se encuentre entre un rango de fechas especificado.

  • Estados: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos por estados específicos (nuevos, transferidos, cerrados, etc.).

  • Prioridades: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos cuya prioridad sea alta, media, o baja.

  • Clientes: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos se uno o más clientes específicos.

  • Usuarios: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos asignados entre Todos los usuarios, casos asignados a Usuarios específicos, o Casos sin asignar.

  • Campañas: Por defecto, en el listado se visualizan los casos de la campaña en la que estás trabajando, pero es posible realizar búsquedas de casos en más de una campaña.

  • Tipos de Caso: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos por tipo de caso específicos (pregunta, sugerencia, etc.).

  • Tipos de Canal: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos cuyo tipo de canal de origen sea uno de los especificados (WhatsApp, Correo Electrónico, Telefonía, etc.).

  • Características: Puedes filtrar y buscar casos de clientes que tengan asociadas una o mas características específicas.

  • Organizar: Puedes modificar el orden en el que se muestran los casos de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios:

    • Casos del más antiguo al mas reciente, por fecha de creación

    • Caos del mas reciente al mas antiguo, por fecha de creación

    • Casos con interacción sin leer mas antigua a la mas reciente

    • Casos con interacción sin leer mas reciente a la más antigua

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Adicionalmente, desde el listado puedes realizar acciones masivas sobre un conjuntos de casos. Selecciona uno o más casos del listado, y haz clic en el botón Acciones masivas para ejecutar una de las acciones disponibles:

  • Cerrar: Te permitirá cerrar todos los casos seleccionados.

  • Combinar: Te permitirá combinar todos los casos seleccionados. Para hacerlo, deberás especificar el caso principal que permenecerá abierto. Al finalizar la combinación, los otros casos se marcarán como “cerrado” y la información de los otros casos se traladará al caso principal.

  • Asignar: Te permitirá asignar todos los casos seleccionados a un usuario específico.

  • Agregar Gestión: Te permitirá agregar una única gestión a todos los casos seleccionados. Para hacerlo, deberás diligenciar el formulario de gestión de la campaña. Al finalizar el proceso, cada uno de los casos contará con una nueva gestión.

La acción seleccionada será ejecutada de igual forma para todos los casos que hayan sido seleccionados.


Tabla de contenidos

The Tickets module is one of the most important within the platform, as it contains all the information related to the interactions between your business and your customers, across all available communication channels. When a customer contacts your company, Sagicc automatically generates a ticket where all interactions are grouped. From a ticket, you can access detailed customer information, classify and manage the provided assistance, as well as perform multiple additional actions to enhance the customer experience.

Through the side menu, you can access the Tickets module.

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All platform users, regardless of their role, will have access to the Tickets module.

Sagicc will take you to a list where you can explore the existing tickets in the campaign you are working on (selected in the campaign selector in the top navigation bar). In this list, for each ticket, you can view a card with basic information such as the ticket number, its status, creation date, basic customer details, the channel through which the customer's most recent interaction was made, among other relevant information. To go to the management view of a specific ticket, click on the "Go To Ticket" button within the ticket card you wish to view.


For users with the agent role, the tickets displayed in the Pending Tickets list will be automatically filtered by default. This means they will only be able to see tickets that are assigned to them, that are unassigned, and that have been generated in any channel configured for the campaign. If you want to change this behavior, enable the "View All Tickets" parameter in the campaign settings.

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Next, we describe each of the components that you can see on the card associated with each ticket in the list:

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  1. Ticket Number or Unique Identifier: This number allows you to specifically identify a communication process with your customers.

  2. Current Ticket Status: Indicates the current status of the ticket (New, Open, Transferred, Escalated, or Closed).

  3. Outcome of the Last Ticket Management: Reflects the outcome of the last management action taken, according to the main management field of the campaign. It may not be displayed if the campaign does not have a main management field configured.

  4. New Interaction Indicator: Indicates that the ticket has a new unread interaction by the user/agent.

  5. Content of the Last Ticket Interaction: Displays the content of the last ticket interaction, whether incoming or outgoing.

  6. Customer Document Number and Name: Information about the customer associated with the ticket.

  7. Assigned User Name: Indicates the name of the user assigned to the ticket.

  8. Ticket Description: Description of the ticket.

  9. Ticket Creation Date and Time: Indicates the exact date and time the ticket was created.

  10. Last Interaction Generation Channel: Indicates the channel through which the last incoming interaction of the ticket was generated.

  11. Next Management Indicator: Appears 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the next ticket management. If the ticket is not managed, it indicates that the management is overdue.

  12. SLA Non-Compliance Indicator: May appear if the campaign has SLA rules configured and the ticket does not comply with them.

  13. "Go to Ticket" Button: Allows access to the specific management view of the ticket.

  14. Ticket Selection: Allows selection of the ticket to use mass actions available in the ticket list.

Ticket filtering and organizing

At the top of the ticket list, you'll find the "Filter" button. Clicking on it will open a window where you can select advanced filters to enhance your searches, apply filters, or reorder the list according to your needs. The available filters are as follows:

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  • Creation Date: You can filter and search for tickets whose creation date falls within a specified date range.

  • Upcoming Task Date: You can filter and search for tickets that have a next task scheduled for a specific date.

  • Status: You can filter and search for tickets by specific statuses (new, transferred, closed, etc.).

  • Priorities: You can filter and search for tickets with critital, high, medium, or low priority.

  • Customers: You can filter and search for tickets for one or more specific customers.

  • Users: You can filter and search for tickets assigned among All users, tickets assigned to specific users, or Unassigned tickets.

  • Campaigns: By default, the list displays the tickets of the campaign you are working on, but it is possible to search for tickets in more than one campaign.

  • Ticket Types: You can filter and search for tickets by specific ticket types (question, suggestion, etc.).

  • Channel Types: You can filter and search for tickets whose source channel type is one of the specified types (WhatsApp, Email, Telephony, etc.).

  • Features: You can filter and search for tickets of customers who have one or more specific features associated.

  • Organize: You can modify the order in which tickets are displayed according to the following criteria:

    • Oldest to newest tickets by creation date

    • Newest to oldest tickets by creation date

    • Oldest unread interaction to newest unread interaction

    • Newest unread interaction to oldest unread interaction

    • Upcoming task furthest from the closest

    • Upcoming task closest to the furthest


If the campaign associated with the case has a primary task field configured, you can also apply filters based on the values of that field to find cases where the last management task matches a specific filter.

Mass actions on tickets

Additionally, from the tickets list, you can perform mass actions on an specific set of tickets. Select one or more tickets from the list, and click on the "Mass Actions" button to execute one of the available actions:

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  • Close: This will allow you to close all selected tickets. Access to this functionality depends on the campaign configuration.

  • Merge: This option allows you to merge the selected tickets into a single primary ticket, which will remain open. You can also choose to merge the associated customers by checking the "Merge Customers" box. The other tickets will be closed, and their information will be transferred to the primary ticket. If you merge customers, the secondary customer's information will be integrated into the primary customer, removing the duplicate.

  • Assign: It will allow you to assign or reassign all the selected tickets to a specific user or move them to a specific campaign.

  • Add Task: This will allow you to add a single task to all selected tickets. To do this, you must fill out the task form for the campaign. Upon completion of the process, each ticket will have a new task.

  • Redistribute: This feature allows you to randomly redistribute the selected cases among all agents assigned to the campaign or randomly among a specific group of agents.

The selected action will be performed in the same way for all tickets that have been selected.

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