Interaction Time Report | This report contains the details of the times of interactions and key moments for a ticket, such as the customer's first interaction, the agent's last interaction, opening, closing, etc. | Ticket Number: Ticket number. Campaign: Name of the campaign related to the ticket. Ticket Description: Description of the ticket. Ticket Type: Type of ticket. Ticket Status: Status of the ticket. Origin Channel Type: Type of channel through which the ticket originated. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the ticket. First Name: First name of the customer related to the ticket. Middle Name: Middle name of the customer related to the ticket. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer related to the ticket. Email: Contact email of the customer related to the ticket. Assigned User: Name of the user assigned to the ticket. First Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the interaction that generates the ticket in the platform. Last Bot Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction generated by the bot (if applicable). Ticket Opening Date/Time: Date and time of the ticket opening by an agent. First Agent Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the first interaction generated by an agent. Last Customer Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction generated by the customer. Last Agent Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction generated by an agent. Last Interaction Date/Time: Date and time of the last interaction of the ticket. Last Action Date/Time: Date and time of the last action taken on the ticket. Ticket Closing Date/Time: Date and time of the ticket closing. SLA Compliance: Indicates whether the service level agreement (SLA) time specified in the campaign configuration related to the ticket was met. First Interaction Time: Time elapsed between the creation of the ticket and the first interaction from the company. Operational Time: Time elapsed between the opening and closing of the ticket by an agent.
Incoming and Outgoing Interactions Report (Calls and Messages) | This report contains the details of all incoming and outgoing interactions (calls and messages) recorded in the platform. | Campaign: Name of the campaign related to the interaction's ticket. Ticket Number: Ticket number of the ticket related to the interaction. Ticket Description: Description of the ticket related to the interaction. Ticket Type: Type of ticket related to the interaction. Ticket Status: Status of the ticket related to the interaction. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. First Name: First name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Middle Name: Middle Name of the customer related to the interaction's ticket. Labels: Kanban and/or normal labels associated with the customer related to the interaction ticket. Channel: Name of the channel through which the interaction was generated. Direction: Direction (incoming or outgoing) of the interaction. Subject: Subject of the interaction (applies only to email channel interactions). Content: Content of the interaction. In the ticket of multimedia elements (image, audio, etc.), a generic label will be displayed. Contact Info: Contact info/data from which the interaction was received (for incoming interactions) or to which the interaction was sent (for outgoing interactions). User: Name of the user assigned to the ticket related to the interaction. User Identifier: Username of the user assigned to the ticket related to the interaction. Creation Date: Creation date of the interaction. SLA Compliance: Result indicating if the SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were met for the ticket. Interaction Status: Specifies the status of the interaction, whether incoming or outgoing. This can be: ACCEPTED, DELIVERED, READ, SENT, FAILED, RECEIVED.
Tasks Report | This report contains detailed information about all the tasks created for the tickets in the platform. It includes information related to the ticket, the customer, and specific information about the task (including fields from the task form). | Ticket Number: Number of the managed ticket. Campaign: Name of the campaign to which the managed ticket belongs. Ticket Description: Description of the managed ticket. Ticket Type: Type of ticket for the managed ticket. Ticket Status: Status of the managed ticket. Ticket Creation Date: Creation date of the managed ticket. Ticket Closure Date: Closure date of the managed ticket. Ticket Closure User: Agent/user that performed the ticket closure of the managed ticket. Origin Channel Type: Type of origin channel for the managed ticket. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the managed ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Name: Middle name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Middle Name: Middle Name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Labels: Kanban and/or normal labels associated with the customer related to the managed ticket. Account Number: Account number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Email: Contact email of the customer related to the managed ticket. Observations: Observations of the task created for the ticket. Task Creation Date: Date when the task for the ticket was created. Task Creation User: Agent/user who created the task for the ticket. Recordings: Links to recordings of calls related to the managed ticket (if applicable). SLA Compliance: Result indicating if the SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were met for the ticket. Additional Columns: For each field in the task form of the campaign associated with the ticket, an additional column will be generated displaying the selected/entered value for that field in the action.
Last Task and Fields Report | This report contains detailed information about the last task created for each ticket in the platform. It includes information related to the ticket, the customer, and specific information about the action taken (including fields from the action form). | Ticket Number: Number of the managed ticket. Campaign: Name of the campaign to which the managed ticket belongs. Ticket Description: Description of the managed ticket. Ticket Type: Type of ticket for the managed ticket. Ticket Status: Status of the managed ticket. Ticket Creation Date: Creation date of the managed ticket. Ticket Closure Date: Closure date of the managed ticket. Ticket Closure User: Agent/user that performed the ticket closure of the managed ticket. Origin Channel Type: Type of origin channel for the managed ticket. Document Type: Document type of the customer related to the managed ticket. Document Number: Document number of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Last Name: First last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Second Last Name: Second last name of the customer related to the managed ticket. First Name: Middle name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Middle Name: Middle Name of the customer related to the managed ticket. Labels: Kanban and/or normal labels associated with the customer related to the managed ticket. Account Number: Account number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer related to the managed ticket. Email: Contact email of the customer related to the managed ticket. Observations: Observations of the task created for the ticket. Task Creation Date: Date when the task for the ticket was created. Task Creation User: Agent/user who created the task for the ticket. Recordings: Links to recordings of calls related to the managed ticket (if applicable). SLA Compliance: Result indicating if the SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were met for the ticket. Additional Columns: For each field in the task form of the campaign associated with the ticket, an additional column will be generated displaying the selected/entered value for that field in the action.
Call Times Report | This report contains detailed information about the phone calls registered in the platform, including metrics and times specific to telephony channels. | Ticket Number: Number of the ticket related to the call. Campaign: Name of the campaign related to the call. Call ID: Unique identifier of the call. Phone: Source phone number of the call. Call Start: Date/time when the call entered. Initial Queue Position: Initial position of the call in the campaign's Available queue. Queue Exit: Date/time when the call exited the queue and was transferred to an agent. Call End: Date/time when the call ended. Total Call Duration: Total duration (in minutes) of the call, from entering to ending. Includes queue time and conversation time. Queue Duration: Duration (in minutes) of the call in the campaign's Available queue. Conversation Duration: Duration (in minutes) of the conversation between the customer and the agent. Abandoned: Information about call abandonment (if it occurs). Attempts: Total number Number of call attempts made by the customercall to the agents available in the queue. Agent: Name of the agent handling the call.
Detailed Incoming Calls Report | This report provides a detailed summary of all incoming calls to one or more specific campaigns. It facilitates monitoring the performance and efficiency of inbound campaigns to improve management and service quality. | Campaign: Name of the campaign associated with the ticket in which the call is located. Incoming: Total number of incoming calls in the specific campaign. Answered: Total number of calls answered in the specific campaign. Abandoned: Total number of calls abandoned in the specific campaign. Answered within Threshold: Total number of calls answered within the allowed threshold. This is determined by the Service Level Time configured for the campaign. Abandoned within Threshold: Total number of calls abandoned within the allowed threshold. This is determined by the Service Level Time configured for the campaign. Abandoned Outside Threshold: Total number of calls abandoned outside the allowed threshold. This is determined by the Service Level Time configured for the campaign. Completed: Total number of calls that were completed, meaning they were correctly ended by the customer or the agent. Transferred: Total number of calls that were transferred, meaning they were initially handled by one agent and then transferred to another agent. Service Level: Percentage of calls answered, relative to the total number of calls received. Service Level: Percentage of calls answered within the threshold, relative to the total number of calls answered. Abandonment Rate: Percentage of calls abandoned, relative to the total number of calls received. TMO: Average Handling Time, representing the average duration of received calls, in seconds. ASA: Average Speed of Answer, i.e., the average time agents take to answer calls.
Outgoing Calls Report | This report details the information of outgoing calls generated in the platform for a specific campaign. It includes specific details of each call made and the customer served. | Campaign: Name of the campaign from which the call was generated. Ticket No.: Ticket number under which the call was generated. Call ID: Unique identifier associated with the call. Phone: Contact data/phone number to which the call was made. Outcome: Final outcome obtained in the call. It can be: ANSWERED, BUSY, NOT ANSWERED, FAILED. Call Date: Date/time when the call was made. Includes the ringing time. Start Date: Date/time when the customer answered the call. End Date: Date/time when the call ended, either by the customer or by the agent. Duration: Total duration of the call, from the ringing start to the end, in seconds. Agent: Name of the agent user assigned to the call's ticket. Document No.: Customer's document number associated with the call's ticket. Customer Name: Full name of the customer associated with the call's ticket. Channel Type: Channel Type of the origin of the ticket associated with the call.