Ticket Combinations: Enables or disables the option of ticket combination in the campaign.
Transcript Sending: Enables or disables the option of sending the transcript of the conversation of the tickets within the campaign.
Transfers between Users: Enables or disables the option of transferring tickets between users of the campaign.
Transfers between Campaigns: Enables or disables the option of transferring the campaign tickets to other campaigns.
Auto-complete Tasks: Enables or disables the option of auto-completing the task form of the campaign tickets with the most recent ticket task data.
View all All Tickets: Enables or disables the option that allows agents to view all tickets in the campaign, regardless of the user assigned to themassigned user or the origin channel of the tickets.
Interact with other contact tickets: Enables or disables the option that allows sending interactions to contact data of other customers in the campaign tickets.
Interactions only from assigned channels: Enable or disable the option that allows agents to only send interactions from the channels they have assigned within the campaign configuration.
Close tickets without management: Enables or disables the option to allow closing platform tickets if they do not have at least one management.
Close tickets without customer information: Enables or disables the option to allow closing tickets on the platform if they have incomplete customer information.
Transfer Notification Email: Enable or disable this option if you wish for users to receive or not receive an email notification when a ticket is transferred to them.
Allow information about other campaigns: Enable or disable this option to allow agents to view or not view information about tickets and interactions of a customers that are in other campaigns.