To add a template, click on the "Add Template" button from the "Templates" module.
Name: Name of the template.
Channel Type: The type of channel for which the template will be available (SMS, Facebook, Email, WhatsApp, etc.). Not all templates apply to all channel types, and not all channels accept the use of templates.
Category: Select one of the template categories that have already been added to the platform. This way, the new template will be organized alongside others of the same category.
Available for (channels):
All channels: Select this option if you want the template to be usable by all channels belonging to the selected channel type.
Some channels: Select this option if you want the template to only be usable by some channels belonging to the selected channel type. When selecting this option, you will see a channel selector.
Available for (campaigns):
All campaigns: Select this option if you want the template to be used from all campaign tickets.
Some campaigns: Select this option if you want the template to be used only from specific campaigns. When selecting this option, you will see a campaign selector.
When pasting a variable in one of the template fields, you will see text with the following format:
In the following image, two different variables were inserted: the first one, {{cliente.primer_nombre}}, will insert the first name of the customer associated with the ticket; the second one, {{usuario.nombre}}, will be replaced by the name of the user managing the ticket.
It is also possible to add variables associated with additional data from the customer’s account. These variables cannot be selected from the list of variables since they are not static data and change over time, but they can be added by typing the variable in the aforementioned format. For example, if the customer's account has the additional data balance, the variable to add should be typed in the following way:
Using templates in the ticket