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  • SLA: Displays data related to SLA rules and compliance/non-compliance with associated time metrics for this statistic.

    • Total tickets created in the campaign for which SLA rules were validated.

    • Tickets with non-compliance, i.e., cases tickets for which the time metrics of at least one SLA rule were not met.


  • Compliance by user: Displays the number of cases tickets per agent that met the time metrics of at least one SLA.


  • Non-compliance by user: Displays the total number of missed metrics for cases tickets assigned to the user. This means that if two metrics were missed for case ticket #2325, they will be counted as 2 non-compliances for the user.


  • SLA by ticket: Displays specific information about casestickets, compliance, and non-compliance with SLA rules in a table (case ticket number, assigned user, metric, whether SLA was met or not, and event date).


  • SLA compliance effectiveness: Represents the distribution based on the number of compliance and non-compliance with SLA rules. It should be noted that the calculation is based on the fact that a case ticket can meet or miss one or two of the SLA rule metrics.

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