The Business Rules module of Sagicc will allow you to implement triggers and/or automations in your campaigns, in order to optimize and improve your team's processes by automating some repetitive and frequent tasks. Some of the most common use cases tickets for this module are:
Sending customer satisfaction surveys after a case ticket has been closed.
Assigning or transferring a case ticket according to the management task classification.
Moving a case ticket to a specific campaign after a specific period of time has elapsed.
Sending a notification to the campaign supervisor when a case ticket is escalated.
Triggering an external webservice to send information to third parties.
A business rule consists of a set of conditions that must be met for one or more specific actions to be executed.
The Business Rules module in Sagicc allows us to execute one or more actions associated with one or more conditions, which must be partially or fully met to execute said actions.
A condition of the Business Rule describes a situation or state that must be met for a particular action to occur. These conditions are related to the properties of the caseticket, the customer associated with the caseticket, the classification of the case managementticket task, or specific times associated with the caseticket.
An action (which is the result of evaluating the condition and is linked only to the preceding condition) are terms that define the building blocks of each business rule.
Trigger-type Business Rules evaluate the conditions and execute the actions immediately after the creation or updating of a case ticket or managementtask.
Automation-type Business Rules evaluate the conditions and execute the actions at a specified time after the case ticket has been updated.
Business Rules will only affect cases tickets that are in a state different from CLOSED. Once a case ticket has been closed, it will not be considered in the evaluation of the rules.
It is important to consider the order in which conditions are evaluated and the order in which actions are executed, as there may be conflicts in rule execution.
It is recommended to analyze all Business Rules configured for a specific campaign, as one business rule may interfere with or affect the execution of another business rule.