Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

To add a template, click on the "Add Template" button from the "Templates" module.


  • CC (email only): Specifies the email accounts to which you want to send a copy of the email generated by the template. Enter the desired email and press the Enter key to add it.

  • BCC (email only): Specifies the email accounts to which you want to send a blind copy of the email generated by the template. Enter the desired email and press the Enter key to add it.

  • Subject (email only): It is the subject of the message.

  • Message Type (WhatsApp only):

    • Session Message: Specifies that the message to be sent corresponds to a session message, i.e., a message that the company sends when it already has an initiated and active conversation with the client.

    • Approved Template: Specifies that the message to be sent corresponds to an approved template message by WhatsApp and Meta to start a conversation with the client.

  • Approved Template Message Type: Allows specifying whether the approved template message is provided by Sagicc or an external provider.

  • WhatsApp Template (WhatsApp only): It is the template message approved by WhatsApp. If the Approved Template Message Type is "provided by Sagicc," you can select the approved template from a list. Otherwise (other provider), you must enter the exact name of the approved template.

  • Variables (WhatsApp only): These are the Sagicc variables that will replace the variables in the WhatsApp-approved template message. You must write all variables separated by a comma.

  • Advanced WhatsApp Template (WhatsApp only): Allows building special templates for WhatsApp, using multimedia elements (images, videos, etc.) or interactive elements (quick response buttons, selection lists). More info here.



Verify that the information is correct, and click "Save" to add the template. If the process was performed correctly, you will be automatically taken to the "Templates" module, where you will see the newly added template in the list. From this moment, you can use the template from the "Tickets" module, to generate interactions with your clients in a more agile and fast way.


When pasting a variable in one of the template fields, you will see text with the following format:




In the following image, two different variables were inserted: the first one, {{cliente.primer_nombre}}, will insert the first name of the client associated with the case; the second one, {{usuario.nombre}}, will be replaced by the name of the user managing the case.


It is also possible to add variables associated with additional data from the customer’s account. These variables cannot be selected from the list of variables since they are not static data and change over time, but they can be added by typing the variable in the aforementioned format. For example, if the client's account has the additional data balance, the variable to add should be typed in the following way:



Using templates in the ticket
