To add a template, click on the "Add Template" button from the "Templates" module.
When pasting a variable in one of the template fields, you will see text with the following format:
In the following image, two different variables were inserted: the first one, {{cliente.primer_nombre}}, will insert the first name of the client associated with the case; the second one, {{usuario.nombre}}, will be replaced by the name of the user managing the case.
It is also possible to add variables associated with additional data from the customer’s account. These variables cannot be selected from the list of variables since they are not static data and change over time, but they can be added by typing the variable in the aforementioned format. For example, if the client's account has the additional data balance, the variable to add should be typed in the following way:
Using templates in the ticket
Una vez agregada una plantilla, podrá ser utilizada para enviar interacciones en un caso. Ingresa al módulo de Casos e ingresa a un caso específico. En la ventana de interacciones, selecciona el tipo de canal, el dato de contacto, y haz clic en Plantillas para buscar la plantilla deseada. Haz clic sobre esta, y el mensaje o contenido de la misma se cargará automáticamenteOnce a template is added, it can be used to send interactions in a case. Go to the Cases module and enter a specific case. In the interactions window, select the channel type, contact data, and click on Templates to search for the desired template. Click on it, and the message or content of the template will be automatically loaded.
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