Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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To add a new Workspace to the platform, click on the "Add Workspace" button from the Workspaces module.


Sagicc will take you to the Workspace creation form, where you will need to enter the following required information:

  • Name: Name of the Workspace.

  • Enabled: Specify whether the Workspace is active/enabled or inactive/disabled.

  • Users: Use this section to specify the platform users, from all roles, who will be part of the Workspace.


Verify that the information is correct, and click on "Save" to add the new Workspace. If the process is completed successfully, you will be automatically taken to the list of Workspaces, where you can see the newly created item.

Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 1) mar 01, 2024 19:37 Laura Ortiz
  • Sin etiquetas