Manual de Usuarios

Código: IDI-MA-01
Versión: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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To add a user, click on the Add User button from the Users module.


Sagicc will take you to the user creation form, where you will need to enter the following required information:


  • Name: User's name

  • Username: It is the username or unique identifier of the user. It is required to assign cases to specific users.

  • Email: It is the user's email address, with which they can log in to the platform. It is recommended to use the company email address and NOT the personal email address, as notifications from the platform, password recovery messages, etc., will be sent to this email account.

  • Password: It is the password with which the user can log in to the platform. An initial password will be assigned and can be changed by the user later from their User Profile.

  • Repeat Password

  • Roles: It is the role or roles that the user will have within the platform. The user's functionalities and permissions within the platform depend on these roles.

  • Enable/Disable multi-factor authentication (MFA): It will indicate whether the multi-factor authentication functionality will be enabled or disabled for the user when logging into the platform.

  • Extension: It is required in case the user needs to receive or make calls with Sagicc's telephony channel.



If desired, you can also enter additional/informative information about the user, such as their position, date of birth, or phone number. Verify that the information is correct, and click Save to add the user. If the process was completed successfully, you will be automatically taken to the profile of the user you just added, and the newly created user will be able to log in to the platform with the configured email and password.

Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 1) feb 28, 2023 15:11 Laura Ortiz
v. 4 ago 28, 2023 14:49 Laura Ortiz
v. 3 mar 21, 2023 23:04 Laura Ortiz
v. 2 feb 28, 2023 16:42 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 feb 28, 2023 15:11 Laura Ortiz

  • Sin etiquetas