Manual de Usuarios

C贸digo: IDI-MA-01
Versi贸n: 07
Vigencia desde: 06/05/2024

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Versi贸n 1 Actual »

The survey module of Sagicc will allow you to configure forms with multiple questions and send them to your customers to conduct customer satisfaction surveys, polls, or collect various information. The information collected by the surveys will be tabulated and displayed on a specific dashboard for the survey. With the information from this dashboard, your company can track agent and organizational performance, analyze the collected information, and make informed decisions that benefit the business.

Please note that only users with an ADMINISTRATOR role can add surveys to the platform and access the dashboard to view the information collected by the surveys.

Through the side menu, you can access the Surveys module.

Sagicc will take you to a list where you can browse through all existing surveys on the platform. For each survey in the list, you can see basic information such as the name, description, confirmation message, status, and creation date. By clicking on the Add Survey button (in the upper right corner), you can view a form to add a new dynamic survey to the platform.

By clicking on Dashboard (in the Options column), you can access the specific survey dashboard to view and analyze the collected information. By clicking on Edit, you can access the configuration of a survey and modify it. Also from Options, you can Edit, Disable, or Delete an existing survey.

Versión Fecha Comentarios
Versión actual (v. 1) mar 08, 2023 18:46 Laura Ortiz
v. 1 mar 08, 2023 18:46 Laura Ortiz

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